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Everything posted by Admiraltian

  1. My pale pink cynarina, growing bigger day by day....
  2. Some pics of my other corals as promised... My red gonio....with me for some months liao...
  3. I relocated the plate coral from top to bottom, on the sandbed with some shades over it...
  4. My red lobo, Before... After... Dunno if the colors can be restored....
  5. Can see from the pic that only half of the acan turned pale due to the strong lights from my PAR38.
  6. Some of my corals, namely red lobo, water melon acan, and purple plate started to bleach without me realising. Now I have to temporarily off my two PAR38 to prevent further bleaching. Think its due to the strong lightings from the PAR38 LED.
  7. Can't wait to see what u gonna put inside.
  8. Will be camping here to see your progress...
  9. Btw how do u cool the temp in your tank?
  10. Too much rocks will also create more dead spots in the DT & restrict the flow in the tank.
  11. Try adding more bacteria to speed up the cycling process. Hope this helps...
  12. I read in somewhere red light induce more algae growth than others. Usually most reefers uses white and blue with actinic only.
  13. Ok, I'm also looking for a wave maker for my 3 ft. Currently not running any in my tank. My preferred choice would be mp10wes.
  14. I have filter comb installed but bits & pieces of it still able to flow thru it. Thinking of putting in mineral mud & a thin layer of live sand on top as substrate for refugium. Wondering if that would help?
  15. How do u place/contain/tied the chaeto without it being blown away? Cos right now i'm tying it to acrylic sheet using fishing string & use a small LR as counter weight on it. Maybe my flow in my sump a bit too strong.
  16. Just wondering if the refugium glass surface started to grow coraline algae & other algaes, need to scrap off? cos i saw some ppl's refugium tank glass surface is quite clean. Afraid it will kill some of the pods if i scrap it off. Hope somebody can give me advice on this.
  17. If u on your lights more than 12 hrs, it will encourage the growth of nuisance algae.
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