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Everything posted by Admiraltian

  1. At first, the wrasse was ignoring the box but today i saw it was hovering near the beta box, that's when i got worried. The pair has been in the box for roughly a week. So how long should i put them in it? Think it will be quite long before they can grow bigger.
  2. Thanks but the other one still refuse to go near and often got chase away by the other one.
  3. I don't turn off my chiller when doing WC. Dun see the need to do so but u can off your main pump. However u must make sure your sump tank able to hold all the water going down from the overflow to the sump.
  4. I just got this pair of small Black snowflake Clowns(~1.5") and currently placed in a beta box in the DT. Got a Mystrey wrasse abt 3.5" in the display tank as well. This mystery wrasse once took in my hector goby and killed it immediately when it was first introduce to the tank. I was afraid it would to the same to my pair of clowns. Anyone can give advices on whether is it safe for me to release my clownfishes to the DT?
  5. There's seem to be some bullying between the two. Hope one doesn't chase the other out of the anemone.
  6. Added in 2 divider to my beta box and there's improve movement of my black ice to the RBTA. One of them started to wriggle once in awhile in it.
  7. Ok, I think I bought the wrong type.
  8. Oops... Didn't know I got the last piece, paiseh.
  9. Ok, will try that. Thks for the advice, bro.
  10. Think Iwarna still have, I just bought one from them today.
  11. Currently placing them in a beta box with my RBTA on a small rock. Dunno if they will host it? :wub:
  12. Some pics of my new additons, hopefully they can make it.
  13. 2 days since i added my old UP Aqua LED to my refugium. Also taken it out from beta box. Needed the box to acclimate my new black snowflakes pair & RBTA. Pic of my refugium now,
  14. I have also just bought a pair of black snowflakes from Iwarna and now trying to host them in my RBTA (also just bought). II've sticked my RBTA to a small rock & currently monitoring all of them in a beta box placed in my DT . Hopefully they will also host like lawchan77's ones.
  15. R u buying a whole new set (1W version) or can juz upgrade/ modify from existing set?
  16. Ha ha, it's the kind of feeling that got us all addicted to reefing. Good luck with your stocking.
  17. Wow! 312W, that's really stronge lights. Let's us know the effects when u start to use.
  18. Put back my UP-Aqua F25 LED together with my Beamswork LED 200, Hope to strengthen the lighting for my chaeto. Will continue to monitor chaeto growth.
  19. Bro, Actually u got even nicer scolys than mine...
  20. How's the growth rate like? Do u have to harvest every mth or every few mths ?
  21. Once the inner flesh came off, it will starts to rot. If it doesn't open or close, think it's gone.
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