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Everything posted by Admiraltian

  1. If it is well fed, maybe it won't, LOL. Anyway flame angels are popular among most reefers, nip or never nip at corals, ppl still keep them. Most species won't nip if they r not hungry but that's just my own opinion.
  2. Just wondering what do most reefers put in their overflow box before going down to your sump compartment? There's a lot mentioned about what is put inside sump but seldom ppl talk about what's in their overflow. For me, I just put some liverocks, bioballs & filter wool.
  3. My RBTA moved house and went to attached itself to a rock of green zoas, Needed some advices here from seniors on how to shift it back to the original rock? Also after my clowns excape from the beta box, they r not hosting the anemone, what to do?
  4. Dun really topple them if u make sure your corals are secured. Glue or epoxy them.
  5. It's not really hazardous, bro. Just left it in your tank to do tha algae clean up.
  6. Good job there in recovering from ur ich outbreak. I also juz recovered from one.
  7. So u not gonna scrap off any algae growth and juz leave it to have a natural look?
  8. R u using Dymax robot arm clip LED as your night dimmer lights, rite? How is it? Bright enough? Considering it for refugium.
  9. No problem keeping camel shrimp in your tank? They r not exactly reef safe.
  10. Bro, 500 posts liao, promoted to senior member, will be camping here for ur updates.
  11. Today both clown managed to escape from the beta box (dunno how they did it? ) but guess they sick of the confined space. Luckily, they have no problem with the mystery wrasse so far. But the bad news is when I place the RBTA to my DT, both seem uninterested of it. They seem to be more interested to explore the new found space in my tank.
  12. All tests conducted using Salifert test kit except for Calcium which I using JBL calcium test.
  13. Tested my water today, The following parameters are the results: CA: 380mg/l KH: 8.9dkh MG: 1470mg/l NO3: 0.2mg/l PO4: 0.03mg/l
  14. Ya, I'm thinking the same but so far only one of them is hosting and chasing the other one out of it.
  15. I think I will leave it for another few weeks first. One of them already started to host the anemone, have to condition the other clown to do the same thing before putting them in my DT. Thanks for all the advices, guys. I'm just worried abt history repeating itself when I found my hector goby just become dinner for my mystery wrasse just moment after introducing it to the tank.
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