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Everything posted by Admiraltian

  1. I waiting to rescape my tank next mth if not will get some from u.
  2. Ok, thanks for the advice , will do that tomorrow.
  3. Ok, i did moved it to sand bed from mid position of my tank but it already closed and showing it base skeleton. I'm running T5 x 4 with LED, Lumenaqua max300 x 2. Just have a bag of carbon and running rowa in FR. Rest of the corals still ok except for the mentioned. For trace I'm dosing TM coral minerals once a wk at half the recommended dosage. Scared I overdose cos I also performed WC once a week.
  4. Thanks all the bros for their offer, what would be the parameter that has gone wrong?
  5. I think my parameters should be ok, I've test kits at home, thks for the offer. Juz can't figure it out right now.
  6. Is it reef safe? Saw this in the middle of the nite. Another pic,
  7. Other not so doing so well corals, red gonio suddenly just refused to open after 2 weeks or so... Dying octo, Another dying piece, Kinda depressing...
  8. Also has color loss problem with this piece, near the mouth area, zooaxanthellae missing with some stress marks on it.
  9. Xmas tree worm still only opening when lights out...other than that it's been ok... Seafan wasn't opening til I brush off some algae deposit and detritus on it. One of my scoly had a fall and tore its tissue, hop it can recovered, it also had some color loss issue. Before pic, After pic, Currently I placed it in my sump, It has actually developed more green color in its tissue but the orange color loss is partly due to the tear during the fall from LR to sandbed. Suspect my Flameback also nip at it. Hope it can recover.
  10. Some updates, one and only ric in my tank, Closeup...
  11. What is the size of your tank & lighting u gonna use?
  12. How long has it been that way? Maybe u should wait & monitor another few days. U also need to make sure whatever reef additives & supplements u dosing esp those in powder form dun get in direct contact with your corals' flesh or tissues.
  13. I bought mine from freshnmarine online but u need minimum $100 purchase for free delivery.
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