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Everything posted by Peanut8787

  1. Looking for Unicorn Tang with horn. Pm me pic, price and location to collect. Thank
  2. Thank for your help. All reserve for collection in the noon. Forget to quote you again for all the fishes name. Damn me.
  3. 2 x kyuusen wrasses 1 x L size singapore angel 1 x L damsel 1 to 2 x chromis 6 x blue leg hermit crab small. All in tank for more then 3 months. All for $100. Collection at kaki bukit anytime during office hours. Fcfs. Pm for confirmation
  4. You mentioned 230 max. When seller is selling 240, you gave false hope and said $200 instead.
  5. Hi for the damsel giant hybrid. Could be those found in local water as threespot damsel fish (adult). They changes color throughout their life nice fishes though
  6. By src, https://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/topic/196385-advisory-on-sharing-of-contact-no-openly-in-the-forum/
  7. Up any fish letting go. Pm price pic location
  8. As above. Healthy, eating prawn meat etc. Full size is just slightly smaller then whole palm size. Selling $30 Rfs, couldn't be able to snatch food from others faster tankmates. Collection east side. Kaki bukit. Most timing are alright. Office hours or after office hrs.
  9. Time to fill up my large tank again after it crashed during cny. Any fishes letting go, can pm me Pic, price, location etc. Thank
  10. Upz. Kindly pm me Pic, size and pricing. Thank
  11. Just got hold of a longfin spadefish but has been bullied by my other tankmates. Bought at $140. Selling at $100. Collect east side working hours. See the pictures of the fish before buying.
  12. Pm me price and Pic. Only accept close to 3/4 of palm size as my dominant powder blue tang is quite big and aggressive. Existing angelfish that I will not buy in to prevent fighting. Koran, emperor, blue face. Thank
  13. Looking for fish for my large comm fowlr tank. 300G. Looking for mid size to larger size fish to comm. Kindly pm me photos and pricing. Thank.
  14. Helping a fren out. Tank is in very good condition. 3ft L, 2ft H, 2ft W. Including chengal cabinet and sump tank with power head and everything piping. Should be 8mm tank with full euro bracing. $150 take and go. Alot of coral stuff for sale at $150 for all. $100 if take together with the tank set. Has to move by Wednesday. If not he will have to throw it away. Collection in Kembagan. Pm me for his contact. Pricing is non nego.
  15. $400 for all. Tank with sump and cabinet, light, and live rock. Pm me and I'll send you my friend's contact.
  16. $400 for all. Pm me and I'll send you my friend's contact.
  17. Last set to clear off for a friend Do note the lighting is a used set and doesn't come with instructions. Pls Google your own. Lighting with tank set! $450 all take and go. With lots of freebies. Tank set 3ft x 2ft with sump tank. Skimmer sold. Lighting x 2 with stand. Collection in Kembagan. Kindly drop me a pm and I'll forward you my fren contact. Thank!
  18. Kindly delete post mod. All sold. Thank srs
  19. Updates Duncan $450 Tank set excluding lighting, skimmer and Chiller $300. tank set is 3x2ft with sump tank etc. Comes with live rock foc. $300. Fren is clearing as moving house Can pm me and I'll send you his whatspp number. Collection in Kembagan. Thank
  20. Do note tank set is 3x2ft with sump tank etc. Comes with live rock foc. $300. Fren is clearing as moving house
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