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Everything posted by starfish123

  1. anyone can comment on the above product? is it effective? thinking of trying it out for my mixed reef(sps/zoos). since biokit comprises of iodine and strontium,do i still need to dose these elements? appreciate all advise
  2. tks just target fed very receptive to food unlike other anemones that i bought
  3. tks red one is pe green one no idea
  4. http://www.gemsurfs.com/ats.html
  5. then shld not be the water paras unless there was addition of livestock or a decrease in frequency of wc or any other things that affects water paras. maybe you can try to shift it back where it was? might be the lighting or wave or any fish disturbing it?
  6. is it able to use for all wavemakers or only yrs? where did you get it?
  7. no stopping at this one... this tank was my first reef then convert into planted then into fowlr now. water change is drain from reef tank into here
  8. monti looks green under blue leds and white t5s. looks a bit like chilli pepper monti to me
  9. do they sell big sheets if acrylic about 3-5mm thick and roughly how much is the price? thanks
  10. hi all do you know where can i get acrylic sheets from other than dama? do art friend sell acrylic sheets? thanks
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