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Everything posted by marshalll

  1. Haha bro I think he meant after cycling... Not suppose to add any livestock during cycling.
  2. Hahaha laying my hands of sps for now. Unless see some birdnest that I like... How about fishes? Anything special?
  3. How about making the rocks cape on the right shorter and more to the front. And can use that for zoas... Just my thought...
  4. Thank you for your kind words! Other bros here have more outstanding and marvelous reefs!
  5. Ups! I do have some 10-15 dollars frag too! All have good ploys extension.
  6. Nothing out of the ordinary actually.. 1. Weekly water change. 2. Dosing of three elements 3. Water top up. That's about it... Mostly are birdnest and montis so relatively easy to care for.
  7. haha. Thank you! Have not been buying corals for quite some time alr.. Waiting for them to grow!
  8. Did tank maintainence... Have this frag to let go.. Multiple branch. $30!
  9. Okay. Did a major tank maintainence today.. Whole body aching now but looking at my tank all clean up makes me smile. 1. Did almost 20-25% water change.. At intervals... 2. Did some rescape and positioned most of my sps in the middle where mh is. 3. Cleared those unwanted algaes. 4. Lastly! Decided to destroy all the worm thingy in those holes( those that spin the web/slim thingy...) as they are killing my sps and monti. Messy affair though. And I dunno if they are really dead. :/
  10. Hi guys dunno where to post this. Mods do let me know if I'm wrong. Sorry in advance. I only have two jerrycans and i Would like to borrow a few more from fellow reefers as i am intending to do a major water change tmr as I will be doing a little rescape/overhaul. I stay in the east so bros from bedok, tanahmerah, tampines would be great if I can get from u! Will return it when I'm done sat night or sun. Thanks in advance!
  11. Thanks all for interest. All currently reserve. Will update again later tonight!
  12. Collection in the east near tanahmerah merah.
  13. Guys! Changed my mind... Get one colour each (one pink and one green) for 15.
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