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Everything posted by diki88

  1. Pick in the attached thumbnail shows the size of WP-10 compared to WP 25 with a cigarette box for reference. Oh I forgot to add in the first post regarding headaches, Distilled vs RO/DI. I have ordered 5 cartons of distilled from NTUC for delivery and see if I can tahan the troublesomeness of using distilled water. If not I would get a ro/di unit.
  2. Why do u say it will be a challenge bro?
  3. I'm starting a 2ft nano. Tank was bought from Ng couple, IOS with no equipment. There was some issue at the shop as even aunty couldn't find a pipe for the outlet for the ios. With a little burning using a lighter, this was solved. So the following is the eqpt list : Tank : 62cmx32cmx38cm inclusive of side IOS. 75 liters for the tank but after taking into account IOS and water level about 70L. Lights : Maxspect Razor 120w 10k Wavemaker : WP-10 Return : Eheim Compact 1000 feed to chiller as well. Chiller : Hailea 150A Biohome Plus & Chemipure Elite for IOS compartment I was told by a senior experience reefer, a legend in my eyes, that he gave me 2 months before I turn this nano into a fowlr as well. So this tank is dedicated to him while he looks at his VFR swim left and right. Another greater legend wants me to keep cichlid, exotic ones from Lake Malawi and Victoria but I left freshwater long ago. My hands are too sticky from saltwater(not because of something else lol ). So the idea for this tank is to keep things simple. Water change 20% weekly. No dosing anything until my water changes cannot keep up with corals consumption. Then maybe dose 2 part. But that's for the future. And sidestep to the title of this thread, I want to fill the whole tank with montis, predominantly digis and caps. And maybe a Duncan coral. So moving on to a few things that made me think hard about : 1) Skimmer or no skimmer While no doubt that having a skimmer would be beneficial especially when it comes to dosing a carbon source, I decided to keep it hassle free by not utilizing it considering the small water volume. I decided not to have it as well to keep my display as clutter free as possible. 2) Canister Filter, Sump or IOS. This was the initial headache. Although a sump is the best option I wanted something simple and relatively friendly on the pocket. After sourcing out for quotes for a full set up by our sponsors here plus CR, I decided to go canister filter as it was simply the filter + chiller then my tank and the quotes were a little too expensive for my blood. Ordered lily pipes from eBay and was ready to set it up when I went to Ng couple shop and on a whim, decided IOS is better middle ground. So now I have lily pipes being shipped to me and I have no use for it 3) BB or Sand I always had sand in tanks but I never cleaned them. I don't know why but Im always surprised by the amount of crap the sand churns out whenever I remove the sand to decomm although its expected being the lazy crap that I am. So this time round, I'm going BB for the ease of cleaning and better flow. 4) Fishes Going nano I know there's a limited number of fishes I can buy and keep due to size, compatibility and ultimately nutrient issues in the water due to the small size. I'm not going to cover my top and I don't have sand and the sad thing is, the nano fishes I like need sand or are known jumpers. So the following is my list, of which I will choose one. Clownfish pair Orchid/Sankeyi harem Blotchy Anthias pair Apogon Parvulus shoal First two option is readily available, blotchys are seasonal and apogon parvulus I randomly see them at Ah Beng. Having kept them before, they are easy to get feeding on cyclopeeze but difficult to sustain them long term. So we will see what I will get. Alright that's it. When I can, I'll post pics soon of the stuffs and comparisons between some equipment n hopefully an initial FTS. Cheers guys.
  4. Bro when u do come up with the sump design I would also be interested to see as im facing the dilemma of sump or no sump eventho I know the pros and cons.
  5. first shop opp macs will stock most test kits. dont forget to buy fish food back as well; their nls pellets sell for hkd 60 as well for a 125g one.
  6. HKD $60. All salifert test kit. Which works out to SGD $10.
  7. the legend has left

  8. I bet xback or vfr lol. Anyways ups for my search.
  9. hahaha. i will see how long u can tahan. maybe until nxt Belize shipment hor.
  10. Cool thats good. Just know like ants, if there's one, there will be more. I kena asterjna stars which start sticking itself on my cup coral n when I removed it, there was no more flesh on where it was. Cheers!
  11. If no bros can spare u copper, At this time u can only get it at polyart at clementi 328 which is open 24hrs. But to be honest, whether u get it by tonight or tmr, I hate to break the bad news it's already too late for ur fish. If west side too far and u want somewhere accessible by tmr, drop by TFC. They should have both the copper test kit and cupramine available. The boss also will be able to advise u on the best and most efficient way to dose copper.
  12. asterina star bro. harmless if tank is big and enough food. but opportunistic when no food n will turn to ur corals for food. my advice : remove it.
  13. Hi all, too many commitments coming right up, so I have the following for sale : Fish - all fishes have undergone prazi but not copper. Hope to clear all fishes by this Sunday. 3x Bartlett Anthias(1m2f), 6-7x Dispar Anthias, 2x Resplendent Anthias - $120 - all anthias are eating on mysis, bartletts and the male resplendent also takes pellet and even nori. All fishes listed below are feeding on mysis,NLS,TDO pellets and for the angels and tangs, nori as well. SM sized Blueface Angel - $30 M sizedBlueface Angel - $50 S sized Scopas Tang var - $35 M sized Scopas Tang var -$35 - the yellow on this scopas is not as obvious as the smaller one. M sized Yellow Tang - $25 4x Springeri Damsel - $10 Orchid Dottyback - $40 Sankeyi Dottyback - $50 Take both for $80 as they get along well and sleep in the same cave. SM Royal Gramma - $35 S Royal Gramma - $30 Will show them to be feeding before I catch them out to prevent unnecessary stress in a holding box. 3x2x1.5 tank without sump to be given free once i clear the fishes. There's a hood but I took it off and now the hood is a little dirty after a year of neglect. Rusty hinges. Internal overflow pipe down to sump. Will post pictures when I get back home. about 30kg of rocks to be give away as well but PLS NOTE THT IT HAS BEEN USED WITH COPPER. ONLY FOR FOWLR. ALTHOUGH I HAVE BEEN GETTING ZERO COPPER READINGS FROM THE TEST KIT FOR A FEW MONTHS NOW, I WILL NOT GIVE IT TO SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO USE IT FOR A REEF TANK. I RATHER THROW THE ROCKS AWAY. Please indicate your interest here to be fair to everyone and I will PM you. FCFS. Collection will be at Marine Terrace and please bring your own pail for LS and LR. Thank you
  14. http://www.ava.gov.sg/InformationForTravellers/BringOrnamentalFish/ Hi bro, you can refer to the link above for this matters. Important points is not more than 3 liters of water per person. pretty much sure you wont exceed the 30 pieces of fish. so more people going, your water limit also goes up. Cheers.
  15. since you mentioned about lugging it around and you have no space for ro/di unit + you would want to get distilled water, try ntuc home delivery. they have their inhouse Life brand which is distilled water. just a rough calculation for you : you change 12liters a week. 48 liters a month. 48 liters = 32x 1.5L bottle. 1 carton(12 bottles) = $5.514 before GST You need 3 cartons (36 bottles) for water change with excess 4 bottles for topup or even for your own drinking consumption which equates to $16.542 before GST. Add $10 for delivery charges and 7% for GST ($1.8579), you get a grand total of $28.40. That is just a little below of half of your current planned expenditure of $60 for distilled water. Plus they deliver straight to your doorstep, no need to lug around bottles of distilled water. You could even order more one shot and save a little bit on delivery. Hope this is helpful for you. Anyways just to clarify, DI in RO/DI is not distilled. Its deionisation. A different process altogether. Lastly, here's a rather old thread on sgreef where bros here discuss about distilled water delivery.
  16. Well fed fishes tend to pick on corals lesser if it has the tendency to do it. Even if you feed alot there is really no guarantee your flame would not peck at your corals, be it sps or lps. from experience, spses are generally safe with flame angels just expect lesser PE if your flame does start nipping on the spses. LPS is where it becomes 50/50. It becomes a downward spiral as the flame picks on it, the LPS recede, starts to die slowly and this will really attract not just your flame angel to finish it off. For putting it in a frag tank, I shall say if it does not touch the acro or zoas, Murphys Law always knock on our tanks. the moment you put the fish inside, it could possibly have a liking for other corals. much like different corallivores have their favoured corals to munch on. however reall up to you bro. less PE and own a beautiful flame angel or PE waving to you but no beautiful flame angel.
  17. Went down to Fish Channel just now. All flame, lemonpeel and even the potter angels are pellet feeding already. As mentioned goldflake all sold out. Mystery wrasse also feeding on pellets, many sizes to choose from. 4 pieces of achilles tang left. Not sure if 1-2 reserved le so whoever wana get a stable, feeding AT, act fast. All butterflyfishes sold. P.S to the bro who took the all butterflyfish, I hate u haha. I wanted the fremblii n quad pair so bad especially now it looks healthy n feeding. Even the tinker pair are like pigs.
  18. yep! Better now with less corals n fishes than later. Can't wait to see it.
  19. Ur LR could also be an issue here besides the tapwater problem that other bros has highlighted. It could possibly be leeching many things now, having absorbed it from ur last tank crash. Its almost like a reverse osmosis problem. While ur water had high Po4 n No3, the LR didn't leech much; but when u start introducing things to reduce nutrient levels in the water, that higher potential of nutrients in the LR will be leeched to a lower potential in ur water. This is my alternative theory. But biggest cause will be silicates from the tapwater. HTH
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