I've got a false percula and picasso pair in which the percula was introduced a month earlier than the picasso.
Both were roughly the same small size about 1.5inch, with the picasso marginally smaller.
They got along fine, very well even till last week when I noticed both clowns had noticeable torn fins with the picasso suffering more so as to speak. Assuming that its just them fighting for dominance and deciding which is female/male, I didn't bother too much and let nature take its due course.
3 days ago, I got a bta and the false percula started hosting it whereas the picasso kept its distance. As the false percula is wild caught and picasso is tank raised I concluded it would take a while for the picasso to get the hang of the anemone. This was when things started to go downhill as the false percula turned very aggressive towards the picasso which led to the picasso swimming at the back of the tank. The false percula would occasionally approach the picasso and looks like its going to attack and stop right before it really does.from what I see, I don't notice the picasso going into a seizure-like twitch. It gets especially bad when the lights are off. The picasso would swim towards the side of the tank where the anemone/false percula is to "sleep".
1st surprise is the false percula would get very aggressive and starts attacking the picasso. Pls correct me if I'm wrong to conclude its being defensive and territorial about the anemone.
2nd surprise is the picasso would hide in the same anemone trying to flee from the crazy false percula when I thought it still hasnt gotten used to the anemone.
I have isolated the picasso in a betta box as it seems to hv lost its colour in fear or stress. I read that the false percula is of the occellaris species whereas the picasso is a percula. Do they have compatibility issues?
Pls if anyone has had any experience with this do advise cause as bad as it sounds I'd rather give away/lose the false percula than the picasso.
Thanks a lot in advance.