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Everything posted by diki88

  1. Most prob bacteria bloom. Will clear up in due time.
  2. Cool fact : my harlequin filefish cleaning other fishes when the cleaner wrasse is too fat to bother anymore.
  3. So far for mine, quite okay leh bro. Xenia, cabbage, mushroom and gsp they never touch. I will try a cheap lps to test some more. If they never touch, then ill go for duncan coral shopping le cause duncans are my favourite haha.
  4. Yeah tell me about it bro. On a side note, my bta split today. Must be stress induced. Hopefully it recovers well.
  5. My aquazonic t5 cover also used to give me the same problem. Cleaning the side with a cloth soaked in hot water made it move abit but what helped was spraying wd40. But tht is an aquazonic set so I dared to spray not sure if I would for an ati powermodule lol.
  6. Yep lots of small particles floating about. I think the cloudiness makes the lights coverage more obvious. The shadowing is not as bad in real life actually. Im using the 120w one. 160w would be more ideal but I felt I didnt need it as I planned to keep not so light demanding corals. Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk 2
  7. Here's a little story that made me frustrated and also funny at the same time. First I managed to trap both butterflies inside the holding box very easily before I left home at 3pm. Using white clams, it was easier than taking candy from a baby. When I came home, one butterfly(lets call it A) escaped. It was again freely sampling the corals again. So I put white clams again, A fell for it again, joining the other butterfly (let's call it along with another pig. So I decided to lower the trap to allow the rock beauty to swim to freedom, but A showing the agility of ninja, escaped, AGAIN. When A left, ms semifasciatus joined the party. Lowered the trap again, rock beauty swam out, in came little ms semifasciatus. I was going crazy this time round as A was playing with me pecking at the coral then swimming away when I wanted to catch it. In this frustration, I didnt realise I accidentally lowered the trap, and B escaped its jail. >_> leaving the trap open, these 3 stooges came in. So after 30 mins putting my hand in water, being played by A & B, I achieved success, finally. This is the reason why sometimes I need to lie down and count to 10 to calm myself down. Yet this is also the reason why i continue to be fascinated by this hobby. THE END. Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk 2
  8. Will wait till tmr morning for someone who bought the tshirt then if nobody takes it, will pass to the first who pmed me. Do note these butterflyfishes are not cheap n not easy to get them feeding so I treasure them quite alot. If u are taking it, hope u can give it a good home. Cheers.
  9. Lol alright then. I hope the queen behaves since I use john copp's tank as a reference to keeping angels in a reef tank. And I will never give my queen away hahaha. Yellow or blue its very special to me hahahha.
  10. About one month le bro. Actually the water now quite clear. Before this quite jialat. I think cloudy abit cause I took the pic after feeding it.
  11. Good afternoon guys. Giving away my spotfin butterflyfish pair. Totally not reef safe. Following bro dnsfpl's initiative, priority goes to those who bought the MASS tshirt. Good for fowlr tanks. If no takers from those who bought the tshirt, first one to pm me takes it. Here's a picture. They're feeding on mysis and white clams vigorously.
  12. Hahahahah walao bro dont make me think twice again leh. :ph34r: Im keeping the queen. The blue in the queen coming back also. Cross fingers see how the queen got taste for corals not. So far, only the spotfin pair keep sampling the corals. Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk 2
  13. Btw a picture of my tank with the new toy As much as some don't like the shadowing effect, im digging it. Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk 2
  14. Ahh alright bro no problem. Yep a queen will be a nice showpiece to ur tank Sent from my GT-I8190N using Tapatalk 2
  15. To bro Zender, SunkistC and Vtech,any one of u guys want a spotfin butterfly pair? Gona give it away cause now im moving slowly to corals,both butterfly whacked the mushroom i bought to test test water. I can see some mushroom half gone le. I dont dare put rics if cheap mushroom they whack until like that haha. If none of u guys want, ill put it in the pasar malam.Same goes for the yellowtail tang.
  16. Thats good news! At least still alive lol. Actually bro, grammas quite the scaredy cat. All the more nw ur sixline terrorising it. That aside, I got a new toy today from bro blueclown. Nice friendly bro. All the best for his new house. Will post a pic of the new toy later. Its actually shopping therapy to make up for the fact both my multibars passed within a day of one another. I solemnly swear to not try another one and kill this beautiful fish. Im of the opinion no matter what collection method was used, its my personal responsibility to keep it alive once it enters my tank and I failed. Haizzz. And I need to offload my 3 yellowtail tangs and spotfin pair.
  17. Lck many tiger tail coral beauty. One piece very orange tail. 1" potter still there. One flame angel piece very nice with tiger-like bars. But condition so so cause kena whack by another male flame.
  18. For those looking for bubble tip anemones,beautiful pieces at TFC. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=291504940987580&id=133559596782116&set=pcb.291505150987559&source=49&__user=683667448
  19. Sixline wrasses are super territorial bro. Damsels also cannot fight one. Actually, at least u get some closure bro haha. At least u know what happend! And as sick as it sounds, I would be curious to see it happen. Im not sure to feel better that now I know other people also lost their grammas recently haha. Thanks anyways for sharing ur stories.
  20. Hahahaha. maybe mine died that way also.
  21. Yep thats correct. Got it on 22/6. That's two months now feeding well on cyclops and 0.5mm nls pellets but as with any other corallivores im not too sure how long can it sustain without their natural diet.
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