From my lousy memory,
CF has many naoko fairy wrasse. PBTs, desjardini, yellow tangs, dispar and blue eyed anthias, lemonpeels and flame angels. Got a few colony of duncans as well which has been there for as long as i remember. many nice true perc pairs as well.
LCK Queens, S,M and L sizes. Many SM sized scribble angels. flame, asfur, goldflake. still got a couple of spses there. plus some hammer corals that looked good.
Ah Beng LCK surprisingly not open yet at the time i went around 11+am. Ah Beng Pasir Ris many clownfishes, dispar and blue eyed anthias, nice emperor angels. PBTs, regals, goby+pistol shrimp pair. was in a hurry there however noticed a very nice alpha male mc cosker wrasse which stood out among all the male mc cosker wrasse. not sure its still there or not.
TFC left with 3 ATs that are swimming together surprisingly without much aggression. Yellow tangs, flame angels, kings and a flame wrasse pair. mauritius/kenya shipment should be coming according to boss. hope so can come then diamond tail also come hahahahhahaa.