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Rukas last won the day on April 1 2013

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  1. HI - Update Fluval Tank with LED and Cover - SOLD Fluval mini protein skimmer - SOLD Hailea HS-28A chiller with external temperature probe - SOLD jebao - SLW10 wave maker ( sine wave pump) - reserved Eheim compact on 1000 pump
  2. HI - Update Hailea HS-28A chiller with external temperature probe - SOLD jebao - SLW10 wave maker ( sine wave pump) - reserved Fluval Tank with LED and Cover Fluval mini protein skimmer Eheim compact on 1000 pump
  3. hi tank is bank on sale as the reefer upgraded Currently for sale Tank - Fluval marine 13.5 gallon tank, suitable for Marine and its a good quality tank Fluval mini protein skimmer Eheim compact on 1000 pump jebao - SLW10 wave maker ( sine wave pump) Hailea HS-28A chiller with external temperature probe PM me for a quick sale and ur offer
  4. Hi I have sold my Life stock Currently for sale Tank - on reserve now Fluval mini protein skimmer Eheim compact on 1000 pump jebao - SLW10 wave maker ( sine wave pump) Hailea HS-28A chiller with external temperature probe PM me for a quick sale and ur offer thanks
  5. Bump, letting go cheap for the whole set, if no takers by tomorrow, will do a decomm sale
  6. Bump, PM me with your offer, if no good offer will do a decomm sale
  7. Hi i am selling my tank as a set, tank been running for more than a year, i dont have time to maintain due to work commitments, so want to give up hobby Quote me a price and if we can agree everything is yours - PM me Only thing i don't have nets and all so you have to bring it to take the livestock Fluval Marine Evo 13.5 prefer to sell as a set IMG_0430.HEICIMG_0430.HEIC Fluval Tank with LED and Cover Fluval mini protein skimmer Upgraded Eheim compact on 1000 pump jebao - SLW10 wave maker ( sine wave pump) Hailea HS-28A chiller with external temperature probe Live rock 2 clown fishes 1 blood red fire shrimp 1 tuxedo Urchin IMG_0431.HEIC IMG_0432.HEIC IMG_0433.HEIC IMG_0434.HEIC IMG_0437.HEIC IMG_0438.HEIC
  8. Hi just an update. Did 2 water change, this time tested the water PH was at 8.0( bought from LFS before making water change) now the PH is slowly climbing, its at 7.6 now. When i first made the water change the ph went up to 7.8, then drop back , 7.4, and then climbed to 7.5 and now 7.6 hopefully will continue climbing, not sure if cycling has a part to play on the PH . i am also starting to see diatom on live rock, some say thats a good sign but not sure how far that is true
  9. Hi Rob Again , thank you so much for taking your time to reply, I have been reading on the Coral chips as Suggested above, I have not done it yet, Someone suggested I add the PH buffer, but think that will be a temp solution. I do have the reef Buffer with me. I cant add anything until my PH recovers right? currently still at 7.3. Don't think fish will survive this right? I am also letting my skimmer run as someone said good for gas exchange I am still Dosing Seachem stability everyday, should I stop this?
  10. thank you for the kind Advice Kusala, will do
  11. Hi thanks, i tested the Salinity wirh refractometer but Didnt think much for testing The PH, the mistake i did
  12. Hi Kusala i am using Caribsea live sand using IOS sump, foam and bio media using a skimmer as well thanks
  13. Hey Rob , thanks for taking the time to write this up, my sincere appreciation good advice i am using seachem stability, I used fish food for initial cycling and Nitrate and ammonia is 0 As of now i will check if i can do the ammonia test Does anyone know what PH LFS keeps rheir salt mix or shall i buy rodi and mix it myself
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