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Everything posted by dirk_brijs

  1. I might be ordering some other thingies
  2. They havent eaten any of my fishes yet. Though very aggressive towards other corals what ever they touch melts away straight. so be careful with placement. The debt of your sand bed doesnt matter too much they seem to look for stones to crawl under. Will keep that in mind for my ext Hare. Am looking for another one now. Hoping Henry can ship me one?
  3. I have the tube anemones for almost a year now. They have at least tripled in size since I have them. I have in total 4 tubes, 2 Magnificas and 1 Carpet anemone and a few Majenos. Yes I found the SeaHare with Henry. Bought some other things too with him some real nice porcelain anemone crabs. Fun thing is the SeaHare (only thing I really needed) has died on me already. Think I acclimatized it wrong.
  4. let me go even further its a necessary practise. Never trust anyone else. Not even the so called best tank builders. The fault could not even be in the tank but your stand or furniture or the floor??? Too many outside factors that can create pressure points in your tank. And an the water in the house is the least that can happen when a tank explodes. Large pieces of glass flying at speeds of up to 100MpH because of the initial explosion can easily kill someone. the thicker your styrofoam bottom is the better it will level the tank by natural pressure. (min 2 to 3 inches)
  5. those meshes are too big. The anemone thinks it is a crevasse and try to squeeze itself through those as it is natural behavior of anemones to hide in little crevasses. Some people put nylon stockings over their power heads to avoid this. Make sure though they are not chemically treated.
  6. no dont move it it will go look for another spot or go bqck qnyway. Sorry for the zoas
  7. there are a few yes but mainly go shopping in Bangkok for stock
  8. Do not confuse high flow with direct flow. Most anemones hate direct flow and will move away from it. Anemones need to be placed just below a major flow current so they can extend there tentacle into that flow to catch food. I agree though that Anemones need to be researched before you buy them as even when knowing about them they are difficult to keep happy. And to reply to original poster yes they are very capable of destroying any coral they come across. Not in the least be carefull for all your power heads as they will always end up in one at some point.
  9. So far no problems with the corals. I am currently at 70% and will let it be there I think. As for the shimmer effect much more as with 150W Mh.
  10. Lets compare the best of both worlds will we. People who claim that T5 out perform LED clearly have never seen the high quality LED on the market right now. Yes if one compares the best T5 on the market with the cheap no good LED coming out of mainly China yes you are right you should go for T5 all the way. The LED in question are not even LED but semi conductive LED which clearly do not have the power nor the performance of the high quality LED on the market now from Cree and Philips who is gaining hard on the almighty Cree for the moment. 3W LED are that powerfull that running them at 100% would basically destroy any coral bleaching it instantly. The color range of the LEDs is so phenomonal that any color created by any other kind of light source becomes pale. Due to this power and having them run at lower percentages basically extends the life and color it might reflect go well over 5 years in life span. (Againm people claim to change LEDs after 3 years talk about the semi conducting bulbs which have to run at 100% to barely reach the right performance) So again the title of the forum should be clear and compare the best of LED with the best of T5 and then people would see there is no comparison actualy as they are not even in the same league. Cree LED are unlike anything else on the market right now and can not be compared with anything if it comes to PAR, Performance, Life span, Environment, Lumen per Watt, etc.....
  11. Yes on the new Generation 2 Sol Blue the lightning effects are standard. I connected it to some MP3 files I created to have a full blast thunderstorm now. Will post a little clip one day.
  12. Are they anywhere available in Sg? I will be in Sg this weekend and have been looking for them here in Thailand but cant find any. Thanks Dirk and Noi
  13. hello all, New member here from Thailand. Am very active in reef forums around the world and feel very happy to be accepted here. My current tank SIZE : 78" x 23" x 20" (165Gallon) LIGHTS : 5 Aqua Illumination LED SOL Blue moduls RETURN : Atman7000 (1800GpH) FLOW : 3 x Tunze 6055 control 1 x Tunze Recirculation pump 1073.050 control controlled by Tunze 7096 MAIN FILTRATION : Reef Octopus OTP ORCA 180int Algae turf scrubber 40 gallon refugium with Cheatomorphea, 5" deep send bed, life rock CHILLER : 1Hp titanium coil
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