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Everything posted by finind

  1. i plan to use one of the compartment in my tiny sump for the ATS. measurement is 8cm x 20cm x 35cm plan to have a 4" x 5" ATS in the compartment for a 40L nano tank is it sufficient?
  2. finind

    DI water...

    no time & $$ to do it this way get a few bottles of distill water from ntuc for my nano easier
  3. LED with custom made hood sump area also led
  4. this time i will take it very very slowly FOWLR first...if water readings ok then only keep a few small rocks of less demanding corals like mushroom, richodia, zoa or star..maybe try a small branch of hammer or similar LPS just wana up close with the small fish and shrimps will use fan to cool water change weekly
  5. actually is planning to have a nano tank. main tank compartment should be 40cm wide. but the glass taken some space and likely reduce to 36+cm cannot keep increasing the length else no more nano liao but will consider increase to 65cm to offset all the glass thickess hope $0 or little price increase all equipment required to fit the small sump already bought or shortlisted there is a little compartment in the sump that can fit either the tunze 9002, BR QQ or boyu ( ).. all the 8.5cm skimmer will try srcubber if fail then get a skimmer should I go for aragonite sand? but will mix it with my Oz Gold bought years back or all Oz gold?
  6. is this new way of setting up tank? last time used to use have sand bed most pic seen in the forum also using sand as substrate
  7. is it recommended to get substrate like CaribSea Arag-Alive™ e.g. Fiji Pink, or Nature’s Ocean® Bio-Activ Live™ Aragonite ? normal #0 sand from fish shop ok?
  8. condition quite bad sure will gana this during cycling?
  9. 60cm x 30cm x 35cm(h) glass is 8mm. IOS portion, taken 20cm out of 60cm, partitioned using 4 pieces of 6mm glass quoted $110. Is this price ok?
  10. this boyu using what method? needlewheel or water jet or ....
  11. so mesh with holes this big is ok? as long as it is rough?
  12. is this mini chiller good? which lfs selling and price? the dark grey component is for wat?
  13. working on trhe scrubber but still consider using it for carbon and if my scrubber fails can fall back to rowas
  14. i also experience the same problem last time so is a temperature issue.... then cant be help
  15. finind

    3W led

    is this suitable? but no info given on temperature http://www.dealextreme.com/p/blue-cree-led-emitter-20mm-3-2-3-4v-1775
  16. finind

    3W led

    dont think they have cos search result returns nothing relevant
  17. finind


    seems like this yishun shop very popular got time pay a visit
  18. finind


    they do retail right? ka-chang-bu-teh customer got entertain bo?
  19. finind


    usually lfs has limited choice or even shortage of the required size or type pls help to recommend hardware shops that have wide variety
  20. besides madpetz, where else can I get this product?
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