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Everything posted by finind

  1. aquamarin? madpetz - pico tank iq5
  2. anyone using NANO-GLO LED as the light source?
  3. just bought the 2blue-2white mini from madpetz thought there was a very slight tint of yellow from the demo set at madpetz showroom though it is 2b-2w but what a surprise when i placed my new mini over my tank and switch it on cool white color looks just nice even with a slight tint of blue-ish only "problem" is the shimmering kinda strong... a bit headache
  4. this looks familiar ... or maybe looks like nia
  5. before adding a 10cm fan, nano tank temp was ard 29++ C after adding the fan manage to maintain ard 27.8 - 28C need to lower another degree
  6. Any recommended off-the-shelf copepod food for small fish? Reef Nutrition Arcti-Pods?
  7. Thanks william. Not too nice to have you "chop" your LS I should look ard the lfs first maybe next time if I plan to add Florida ricordea or acan I may ask from you
  8. stocking up and adding/upgrade equipment need support from SGX
  9. Ah Tiong says 2W http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=9422755205
  10. Please advise on the warranty period and servicing after warranty period
  11. perhaps .... a bit dim even with all 1 meter of it have to go for lumenaqua mini ....
  12. is it confirmed is 3W? some website selling it say 1W... the write out never say how many watt reef depot says 3W if confirm 3W then get 1 white and 1 blue... for my LS happiness ... part with my $150 still din get to see it in action... which lfs currently got demo
  13. my new little Bangai cardinal once intro into tank starts to attack the pods
  14. i only plan to keep a few small fishes, mushroom, yuma, ricodea and star polyp hopefully this led can cham-C-tong ... till I get better replacement good thing about this led is very low heat.... now testing to see 5-6 hours lightup will increase the temp by how much... currently a single fan is holding the temp at 28C main objective is to keep cost as low as possible...yet serve the purpose else would have gone for products that cost hundreds or thousand...
  15. lighted up the white led strip over the tank on the cool white side ... no tint of yellowish at all color to the eye should be ard T5 10k as compared to the T5 I use few years back. placed 2 x 25 cm each with 15 led on top of my slightly bigger-than-1ft tank.... not bright enough ... maybe the make-shift eggcrate hood blocks anyway will add another 2 strips when my simple & cheap clear acrylic light-hood is ready ..oh is just for testing the light and heat for a day this led is widely available at SLT SLT also have 3W led.. but need to electronic a bit plus cooling... wonder if they have those little electronic project package
  16. at last API nitrate test kit showed 5mg/L ... after 1 month
  17. was considering hailea hc-100a.. but my tank even smaller than yours... better go for fan then iceprobe
  18. the difficult part to diy led is to get the right LED
  19. the price is $75 in sponsor thread so 2 is $150 .... $100 less vs max 200 perhaps just wonder if a led or something spoil for max 200/300, are there parts to replace or have to send for service, and what happen if warranty over... of course max 200/300 more chio .... worth the extra for the design and power.... just a bit concern over "business continuity" and related cost if anything happen to it. the high power led for mini is it 1W?
  20. Any idea for a nano tank 36 x 30 x 30cm, are the following sufficient? Lumenaqua mini 1 x Mini 30 full white 4 high power led 9W 1 x Mini 30 full blue 4 high power led 9W
  21. without IOS or overflow within the tank will be headache in future when dealing with siphoning if the sump happen to be beside or below custom make tank can try kwong ling at kelantan lane maybe can meet your 12g tank price with IOS
  22. best is let nature take its course ba maybe a bit of chemical theoretically not a good practice but also doesn't mean is wrong cycle long enough things should be there will be there even a well cycled tank also will crash
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