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Everything posted by cutebarra77

  1. All fishes sold. Mod, pls close this thread. Thanks. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  2. Updates: 1) Naso Tang (16cm) - $35 (Reserved by xxxx 2336) 2) Blue Tang (11cm) - $20 (Reserved by xxxx 2336) 3) Yellow Tang (7cm) - $15 SOLD 4) Male Banggai Cardinal (7cm) - $8 Withdrawn, decided to keep it 5) ORA Black Cardinal (7cm) - $20 (Reserved by xxxx 2336) All fishes pending collection tmr. Thanks!!!
  3. Bundle offer: Take all 4 fishes at $70.
  4. Updates: 1) Naso Tang (16cm) - $35 2) Blue Tang (11cm) - $20 3) Yellow Tang (7cm) - $15 SOLD 4) Male Banggai Cardinal (7cm) - $8 5) ORA Black Cardinal (7cm) - $20
  5. Hi all, sorry that my english above is a bit misleading. Actually, what i was trying to say was that my naso is too big for my crowded 3ft tank, together with other fishes. Hence, I want to let go the naso to reefers with bigger tank. Price is negotiable as I really want to find a nice home for her. If nobody wants, I will give it to the LFS. If you are keen to get the other fishes individually and have a 3ft tank or smaller, I think you can try these fishes in your tank. UPz for today. Thanks!!!
  6. Updates: 1) Naso Tang (16cm) - $35 2) Blue Tang (11cm) - $20 3) Yellow Tang (7cm) - $15 (reserved by xxxx 9468) 4) Male Banggai Cardinal (7cm) - $8 5) ORA Black Cardinal (7cm) - $20
  7. Hi, I have decided to let go these darlings of mine because they have outgrown my 3ft tank. Hence, I am only selling to interested reefers with at least 4ft tank. They are healthy and have been with me for more than 6 months and well-fed with pellets, henry gourmet and mysis. you can have a look at them at this link: 1) Naso Tang (16cm) - $35 2) Blue Tang (11cm) - $20 3) Yellow Tang (7cm) - $15 4) Male Banggai Cardinal (7cm) - $8 5) ORA Black Cardinal (7cm) - $20 More details on ORA black cardinal here: http://www.orafarm.com/products/fish/cardinals/black/ They are caught and in my QT tank now, hence, collection is anytime of the weekday before 9pm. Collection is at Jurong West Ave 1 area. I reserve the right to withdraw the sale if the fish condition is not optimal. Interested buyers pls pm me. Thanks!
  8. Angel fish lovers, you can try your luck at BJT to get Free angelfishes... Din know they started to invade the waters there... Time to pack your tackles and camping gears... http://www.fishingkaki.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=243590
  9. Im lazy to change. Still prefer to use the older model since it has been a loyal and reliable 'servant'. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  10. Thanks, will chk with them. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  11. Thanks, will check with reefdepot. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  12. Hi reefers, my existing aquabee 2000AS-07 pump (in use with Deltec APF600 2nd hand) just went up the lorry. Hence, skimmer-less tank now. Need advice: 1) Who is selling this part in SG? 2) Can I replace the aquabee part with alternative brands of skimmer pump? Thanks in advance!
  13. Contacted rozali and yes, he has the part. Mod, pls help to close this thread. Thanks.
  14. Thanks, Thomas. U got his hp number? Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  15. Hi reefers, I would like to seek some advice from existing and ex-users of the BM3.5 cone skimmer. I bought one 2nd hand unit a year ago and kept it as spare. Yesterday brought it out and wanted to test if it is still working and discovered that there was a missing rubber tubing which is connected to the skim cup to drip out the skim mate. The size of the outlet does not fit the standard air pump rubber tube and I think it is at least one size bigger. Checked with the hardware shops ard my neighbourhood also dun have. Anyone knows where I can get such tubing? Thanks in advance!
  16. That is extremely helpful, Thomas! Thanks much!!!
  17. Hi, Any reefers staying in west has metallic green gsp frags to let go? I can collect on Sunday afternoon. Thanks.
  18. Interesting! My friend just went there a few weeks ago. Guess no harm for me to drop by to confirm. Any other LFS worth the visit in BKK?
  19. Hi reefers, heard from a friend that the fish section in ChatuChak park is gone. Anyone been BKK recently and has recommendations for interesting LFS to visit? I'm planning a trip there. Thanks in advance!!!
  20. Just buy live prawns from the fishing and tackle shops. Kenna plenty of them ard Singapore waters. Even small size ones whack prawns bigger than themselves. The live prawns can be kept alive fr your tank water in a pail with airstone. Otherwise, keep them in your sump.<br /><br />Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2<br /><br />
  21. U got pm.<br /><br />Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2<br /><br />
  22. <br /><br />Nori is the name of the seaweed. Check the ingredients on the packaging lor. Here is a pic of the one I used.<br /><br />Cheap, 1.80 only.<br /><br />Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2<br /><br />
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