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Everything posted by cutebarra77

  1. Did u aerate the water? Is the water dirty as a result of unconsumed food? Siphon off the dirt at the bottom. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  2. What are those white particles? Food? Well done so far, dude! Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  3. Interestingly, someone in US tried using ginger and it works!!! http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2342319 Anyone here tried this method and share the experience?
  4. I have read the product info across the types and am I right to say the key difference btn C1, C2 and EP1 is just the pellet size?
  5. So how often u change the water in jar? Any harm to experiment with cooked egg yolk? That's what I used for most of the fresh water fries species last time... Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  6. Care to share the setup of the larvae tank? Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  7. So cute. Survival rate of the larvae? Btw, good job! Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  8. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=824111&page=4 Check out the above link on this reefer's 40 pages mandarin breeding log. Page 4 kinda gives u an idea on his battle plan - feeding larvea. Happy reading and baby mandarin sitting. Getting very exciting... More updates yeah...
  9. Lifted from marine breeder forum: Following hatch, the best bet for attempting to rear these larvae is utilizing greenwater techniques including phytoplankton such as Nannochloropsus, Nannochloris, Tetraselmis or Isocrysis (T-Iso). Zooplanktons could include SS-Strain Rotifers and Copepod nauplii - copepod nauplii seem to be one of the better performing routes to take - these nauplii must be free swimming, so most folks are focusing on the Calanoid copepod species. Think can also try getting green water from ah beng or iwarna as well. Depending on where u stay. Lck201 may carry as well.
  10. Congrats!!! That makes u a nanny! Yes, can call Steven from lck201 to chk the availability first at 81134618.
  11. if I am in your situation, just be very hardworking to siphon out any dirty matters on the sand bed every 2-3 days. maybe can also consider assembling a sand bed crew of sea cucumbers and Nassarius snails to clean up unconsumed food.
  12. I thought batch 1 has some baby outlines. and batch 3's outlines are quite clear. well done, dude. :thumbsup:
  13. Nice fish..... :D Thanks, still far from some of the fowlr mates here.
  14. the mirror idea was from my army buddy who 'poisoned' me into this awesome hobby. if you are asking abt keeping AT ich free, what works very well for me: - Buy from reliable LFS - Fowlr easier to control the salinity in DT at 1.019 or 1.018. - Feed them well and stress free. - A lot of literature on using UV and garlic. I'm not totally convinced but still, I have been practicing them. - Good water quality; I will siphon away the dirt at the bottom. But my 2 x tunze did a decent job to circulate the bottom to ensure the fish poo are not trapped at dead spots. Bare bottom tank has this advantage. - water change (2 large red pails full) every 2 weeks. I am using tap water with Nutrafin Aqua Plus and H2Ocean salt My project is very simple. Once fishes outgrown my tank, sell or give away. Then replace with new cool fishes. Right now, AT, Naso, Kole and Regal are replaced with Flame Angel, Small Queen Angel, Coral Beauty, Possum Wrasse, small Regal and Moorish Idol. a bit over crowded though, but they are doing very fine. :)
  15. wah!!! your pair very sexually active man. envy you leh... if your breeding project is successful, I'm keen to buy some of the hatchlings from you (if you are willing to let go). camping here for more updates.
  16. But u r already running fr with np pellets. So still need refug? Maybe can monitor no3 with either option and see how. I have a 3ft fowlr too, much more fishes than u, running np pellets wout refug. Feed 3 times a day and still OK. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  17. Why a refug setup if it is a fowlr tank? Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  18. Well done, dude. I think there's still a chance for them to hatch since they are fertilize. I hope you are housing them in a safe environment such as your refug. Start culturing rotifiers for the babies...u will need them soon. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  19. Since they practiced pelagic spawning, did you manage to scope out the floating fertilised eggs??? I will wait for the 'moments' and scope them out. Remember to turn off the wave makers too.
  20. this thread is even better with magnified photos of the babies! http://www.marinebreeder.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=176&t=1963
  21. another useful link: http://www.marinebreeder.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=176&t=128
  22. awesome milestone!!! a bigger milestone to achieve is for the eggs to hatch and get ready rotifiers to feed the hatchlings... I'm also waiting for my pair to complete the dating stage. btw, is your pair feeding on pods or frozen food trained? you can spend some time reading and research on how the US folks are doing it... http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=824111 Hope to read more on your breeding log here!
  23. I'm sure u can get them by asking Mr Google image...
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