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Everything posted by hanafi_weeseng

  1. Thank you for your kind words bro,my tank basic only.
  2. Bro,camping there for your colourful update.Hehe
  3. Yes bro,bigger than your current pic.
  4. Target feed your sun coral and they will open bigger.
  5. Bro, this prata with stripes very nice!
  6. Flame wrasse, nice to keep a pair.The male always like to flash for the female.
  7. That I saw at the lfs are always quite pale but in the net the colour are so striking.
  8. Any expert can advise if there is any different in colour or marking.As they are found in indo-pacific to Palau and Indonesia.Infro from net,thanks
  9. Black n white shot already so power, colour pls!
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