hi all,
after some rescaping to my tank, i did 20% water change everday for the past i week. test my nitrate almost everyday. and reads 100ppm on salifert. tot that if i did my water change, the nitrate will go down but still maintain the same. throw in seachem de-nitrator, pur II, biohome, AzNo3 but still no change.
LS: 1 yellow tang, 1 blue tang, 1 chromis, 2 anthias, 1 algae blenny, 1 firegoby, 1 high fin goby, 2 scooter blenny.
equipment: skimmer- AquaC Remora,
: sump incl refugium
tot of going down to lfs and bought the seawater from them
this evening, test my tapwater and reads 100ppm. no wonder my nitrate never go down. advises, anyone? tks