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Everything posted by bomber

  1. bomber

    WTG live rock

    Just to update.i have around 20kg of live rock to clear....
  2. bomber

    Wtb monti frag

    Thanks guys for all the kind offer...I have already gotten it...thank you
  3. i have a pair of sebae clown to trade too.
  4. bomber

    WTG live rock

    giving away around 5kg to 10kg of liverock. if interested, please PM me.thanks. collection place will be at jurong west.
  5. Hi..I have a 2inch potter angel which I had for 3weeks to a month. It's not feeding on pellets currently but eat seaweed...wish to trade with zoas,LPS or clams...if interested, please PM me.. Thanks
  6. Oh..I think I must pay more attention to my tank for a week:)
  7. Oh...how long you waited after those small snail became visible?
  8. Hi..I'm looking for cheap monti frag and I'm new to SPS so decided to try out with monti 1st..if anyone selling, please PM me..thanks..
  9. Just hope that my coral will eat those eggs...pray my tank won't be full of baby snails
  10. Hmm..I'm not sure but I think is their eggs cause I saw a video on YouTube and the snail is doing it too...
  11. This snail of mine keep spitting out white substance every few second...anyone know what is it?
  12. Ya..I think it's fine now..keep eating and swimming around the tank but still have one or two spots on him...
  13. Thanks for the video CFOh...Anyone know how much does the orchid dottyback cost at LCK? Thanks
  14. Looking for a 2nd hand set of Ro/di water system..if anyone has it and wanna sell, please PM me..thanks
  15. WTT potter and golden angel for corals or clams. if interested, please pm me. thanks
  16. Yes:) great idea which I didn't thought of thanks...gonna go get some afterwork and update the result soon:)
  17. oh. but do you guys check the nitrate and all for NSW before WC? if its high in nitrate and all, do you guys still change it?
  18. I brought a blue tank for around 10days already. so far i notice a tiny white spot on one of its fin. but eating like pig so i guess now i just have to provide his with good food and clean water.
  19. Oh. so that's two different fish. Thanks guys=)
  20. HI. i had a spare tunze 6060 wakemaker and wish to trade with LPS,softie or clam. If interested, please PM me=)
  21. i had a potter angel which dont feed on pellet too=( so need to remove the clam from its shell or just put it in?
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