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Everything posted by Clement_jr

  1. difficult to determine for individual, because of the location. i wont travel far because the shop is cheaper by a few bucks. i stay west, so c328 is good!
  2. nice. it shall be annual pass for me then! see ya there! cheers.
  3. is it worth getting the annual pass? I'm visiting this weekend!! btw, Dec, underwater world is $15 per pax. every paying adult = 1 free child / senior citizen. valid for locals only. this this month is their last income. lelong lelong, lol
  4. yup, that's it. I got their native slang.
  5. out of the few tubs of red sea coral pro used. their parameters are rather consistent.
  6. this is one of the first fish I introduced to my tank, was 6", now 12". very active, n always hungry. I like the way it swim, swinging the tail, slapping other fish if they didn't look out for it. importantly, it feeds off parasites from its suckers. so non got ill so far. but now it has overgrown, I don't think I can house it for long. gonna search for q bigger house for it.
  7. if I go on tour for 5 days, will they be ok? my most hungry fish is a slender sucker. hasn't be travelling since I started..
  8. why not tomorrow, Saturday? Sunday family day, so difficult to go.. anyway good luck for sales
  9. as described, looking for 2 ft tank with cabinet and sump. equipments doesn't matter, with or without is fine. PS : photos please, send to 94 55 55 69 via whatsapp. thanks !
  10. hi all, lights are collected. thanks mods please close thread.
  11. sad to say, you gotta buy both to know. very tough to define 'better' in this context.
  12. I got the arcadia one from c328. price at 26.
  13. hi all bidders, someone again wasn't able to bid here for some unknown reasons. He has fulfill the BNP of $50. i've attached his private message. Should he fail to commit, the next highest bidder till the end of bidding time will be notified. Thanks everyone.
  14. c328 got two, which one? the 24hr or the other? @MadScientist, you know where it is, go ask the prices for both lei.
  15. I recieve this in my email Fri 7/13/2012 1:19 AM. kembara, please continue to try and bid here. Thanks
  16. btw, how much are the retails for both brands?
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