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Everything posted by Clement_jr

  1. no worries i think. so long as they arent the aggressive ones like maroon n tomato.
  2. i think zetlight more aesthetically more appealing. i'll go for that.
  3. i don't think they actually feed on calcium. they shld be taking in calcium from the water column. i suggest maintaining the calcium level is the way to go.
  4. I prefer to stick to the more tradition brand.
  5. start from hamilton road to kelantan lane. a good walk Saturday morning. many wide range. from small pipe to big valve for tankers.
  6. I change 70% two different times when po4 n no3 are seriously bad with self mix and few bags from lfs because drum not big enough. Now I change 50% biweekly with self mix.
  7. i been using it since jan 2013. im sharing it with my chiller
  8. lol, evolutionz now pop. i believe as long as livestock are healthy and no dying we are doing good since we cannot assume they are happy or unhappy. so, they healthy and we happy is most important! Cheers!
  9. Cool ! Thanks for all the leads. Btw. Where is sealife? Operating hours?
  10. Hi all, Does anyone know where got sell kent marine nowadays. I've been to ah beng, aqua empire, 328.. they no longer have kent marine. Any leads will be appreciated. Thanks!
  11. unless there is a significant price gap. As long as its a resale, ppl only grade it as second-hand regardless of the usage. maybe TS can add promotion like free delivery and setup? hope these helps somewhat
  12. i think it is all down to the price. nonetheless a good skimmer still..
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