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Everything posted by Clement_jr

  1. big price difference. performance, noise also difference. of course artica better.
  2. I suppose the fish was stressed when transfered to new environment. did u acclimate it? I think any treatment now will add stress to it. clowns are hardy, give it some time.
  3. artica webby got put the recommended flow rate. try to match it.
  4. they will straighten their thoughts when they get hungry
  5. hamilton road. all the marine supplies there
  6. if T from return pump, then chiller outlet should go to DT too. i did mine this way.
  7. flow rate u have to refer to your manual book, or find them online. after cooling down to ur desired temp, how long does it takes to run again? 1hr+ seems a little long, and 1/10 seems small as well. anyway, I do connect my from my return pump via a T-branch.
  8. I started the habit of dipping any newly brought corals before introducing to tank. ever since I got a zoas which looks fine but nuribranch surfaces after a few days. I'm using lugol solution from Kent marine.
  9. my tank also about 100gallon, I'm using total of 240watt. also underrated. but, so far still ok. I'm keeping lps.
  10. bring ur old O-ring to any hardware shop. they will have a replacement for it.
  11. mine got tons of very small particles flowing all around the tank. I don't know what they are, but fishes and corals are doing fine. so I didn't care much about those particles. anyone knows what are those small particles?
  12. if urs is the new teco - gray color. agent is qian hu. if urs is the old teco - black color. agent is aqua tecnic. At kallang bahru.
  13. i think only 15w is not sufficent. what our eyes see and what the coral needs is a huge gap apart.
  14. many guidelines i read, is suggesting 3-5watts per gallon.,
  15. lets follow the army term. 2359 book in won't get extra.. anyway min increment is $10...
  16. in terms of accessibility. yes
  17. even if you used too much biopellets upon addition which cause the bacteria bloom, the skimmer will pick them up and the cloudiness will ease over a few days. no need panic
  18. waaa, so far also walk. remembrance of the route march! kksg2000, u took bus and walk to CF?? this lagi further... better becareful, that place call for help also hard to get any..
  19. the coral dip from kent marine is the lugol solution. i used it for my zoas. very effective. i seen aplenty of coral revive and coral rx, very popular too. i suppose they are effective as well.
  20. perhaps the bubble magus nac 3.5/reef octopus 150 and a hailea 1/4 hp can fit the bill.
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