Hi guys. I used to run the aquamedic denitrator with a orp controller, and everything just run on it's on. The controller will stops the feeder pump when the orp readings is off.
I have since switched to a Schuran denitrator. However, the circulation pump that comes with it is a eheim1250. This eheim is so strong that basically I need not have a feeder pump, and the water is sucked into the denitrator by the strong suction of the eheim pump. This gave me a problem. Without using a feeder pump, I can no longer use my orp controller to automate the feeding of water into the denitrator. Since it can't be automated, I will have to manually check the orp readings and manually adjust the output drip from the denitrator to maintain the desired orp level in the denitrator. By doing so, it defeats the purpose of me having a controller.
Anyone have experience with the Schuran denitrator and is able to advice me on a solution?