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Everything posted by Octo

  1. Ok Alan, Will arrange for those things you enquire to be done. Seems you kana the SPS bug too! Will contact you regarding gd stock availability and most importantly gd price for you. But pls keep to yourself. Again, anything urgent just call me and I'll try my best to help.
  2. Alan, You got a really nice collection of bubbles there! Any further problems with the skimmer? Let me know again if you need help. Cheers.
  3. Hi Roidan, I'll vote for the fishes. You definitely have got the most number of exotic fishes in an aquarium I ever came across. Especially the S$200+ fire goby! Cheers
  4. Looks like this, but much taller. 68cm in height. Thanks.
  5. Hi all, Selling the item for S$70 nett. Anyone interested in the above item kindly pm me. Thank you
  6. Well, you can also go online at reefsource.com. It shows a live pic of a tesselata from the Philippines without the "PomPom'! Go to Liveaquaria.com and it shows one with it. I suppose it may be due to different geographic locations and livestyle. Nevertheless, both are as interseting. Not to be viewed as a form of argument or debate here, but just sharing information with fellow hobbyist including your goodself.
  7. Dear bro, shouldnt judge the origin of a LS by its price. E.g. can also get a RedSea Sailfin Tang (Zebrasoma desjardini) for between S$8 to S$12 dollars as compared to those Indo Pacs (Zebrasoma veliferum) for also around the same price. Customers also get to hear some retailers telling them those giant featherduster in purple or white colors from Hawaii, RedSea, Caribbean, etc. Yet they are from no where but Indo Pacs Sulawesi too. Haha..
  8. Only the Hawaii residents has anemone attached. Hence the name "PomPom" crab too. Not the Indo Pacs.
  9. Hi bmw, Thats a boxing crab. Stock rather seasonal but should be quite common. Cheers.
  10. Hi, Chenggai wood does leak saps as they are process for soaking within saltwater, but when painted with polyurethane it will be fine, even when used dry. No other wood is known to withstand the corrosive effects of saltwater other than Chenggai, thats why boats are made using them whether they are kept wet or dry. "PingPian" or commonly named as "kapo" is freshwater resistant but not saltwater. Likewise is nyatoh. When applying wood for cabinet stands, 1st one needs to know what type of water will they be in contact with. It is not only whether they are made of solid wood, but also whether can they be resistant to the corrosive actions of the water as otherwise it will weaken its supporting structure in time. As for the doors, it would be advisable not to go for "solid" doors if the area is too big as all "solid" wood doors tend to bow through time the bigger they are. Thats why you'll find the solid doors in our house get tighter and tighter when we try to close them after some time. Further its not necessary as they dont provide any support for the cabinets. Regards.
  11. Friend, heres a no. for you. Davidsws - 92966858 Tank maker can ask Roidan. Last option Kelantan Lane. Gd luck.
  12. Was told the same promo pitch too. Haha... I"ll take your advice for sure! Cheers.
  13. Was told that 828 will be launch during Xmas! Wonder any bundle package sales? Ok, will look forward to those pics from 828 and look at the comparison. Recently dicovered the fun of photography, without water that is! haha...
  14. Yap, saw the soon-to-be released f828 at the recent photo shop at Suntec. Feedback from one of the agent that effect not as gd as predecessor. V1 was review as the new bench mark in SOny digicam! I think you got yourself a gem! haha..
  15. Hi Roidan, Are those pics taken by your new Sony digicam V1? Very sharp images! How do find the camera coming? Best regards.
  16. Hi Tanggy, Just to share, the Arctica chiller hardware configuration in the US marketed by TransWorld and the unit here is different based on their white paper design. (given by the local distributor here) Furthermore, the Dailace and the Arctica chiller too have a diiferent hardware configuration. All the difference is in the compressor unit. The Arctica unit is much bigger. Hence forth the Arctica chiller only comes in 4 different hp, while Dailace comes in 5 hp. Dailace is marketed by a freshwater aquarium shop that specialises in planted tank setup. The Korea manufacturer has feedback that the Dailace units in Spore will be the last batch of 100 units that which they will supply to the agent in Spore. It only comes with a one year warranty by the shop. Arctica chiiler on the other hand comes with a 2year on-site warranty. Rainbow has a 1/3hp Arctica unit running at their shop. Cheers.
  17. Friend of mine just got one 1/3hp. The chiller looks like a pc. Heat wise much much cooler than local make ones, as comparable to Teco. Noise level wise also comparable to Teco 680. But after-sales service wise, uncomparable even to Teco which I felt was by far the best. The Artica chillers do have local support. The warranty is actually on-site, much like a PC. Meaning if theres anything faulty, the local Dis. will replace the parts available on the spot without much delay. Unless the issue is serious, they will replace the faulty chiller with a one-to-one exchange till the former is repaired and send back to the owner. It covers the compressor and parts. Well, all these is during the 2yr warranty period. You'll have to fill up the warranty card and ,mail it to the local distributor inorder to get the warranty locally, not from Korea. Glad to find one that offers after-sales service much like a pc. Though abit pricey but IMO its worth every cent.
  18. Dymax is actually LifeTech. A re-packaged Taiwanese made pump. For all Taiwanese or China made pumps, u'll need to divide the l/hr by 2 and probably get a more accurate power. Whereas the German / US pumps list their true strength.
  19. Octo


    Hi Kouz, You can also use Selleys Multipurpose Knead It. I believe afew hobbyist use this epoxy and it works too. 5mins quick dry. Can find them at most large DIY stores in shopping malls at S$3.90 or S4.00. Another option to using expensive epoxys.
  20. Hi all, Have the above tank for sale at S$550. Tank specifications as follow: 1. 5ft x 2ft x 2ft, 12mm thick glass tank; 2. top 4 sides 3inches wide euro-bracing; 3. top 4inches wide center euro-bracing; 4. DC white silicon Interested parties pls pm me for more details and price discussion. Thank you.
  21. Haha.... really? Well, you dont look that "old" in person! Any of those elixir potion of yours for men? Can pm me! Hope you dont get me wrong with my feedbacks and replies. Besides I would be glad to share with you my "lobangs" when theres any. Cheers.
  22. Hey young sister! I never meant to be personal or anything. But just want to enlighten and share with fellow reefers how some retailers run their business, not fellow reefer's recommendations. Nothing to be sensitive about here or sow any discord between us in the 1st place lah. If one knew whats happening and as you have said continue ones shopping preference, well who's stopping. I guess not all reefers share the same sentiment. I believe this weekly report forum here has more to offer besides providing regular stocklist. Just hope to share with any other reefers, especially new reefers who might appreciate such informations and not get implusive over certain livestocks which once upon a time happen to reefers buying Acros before shops like Parad*** R88f came in with reasonable pricings and healthy stocks. Well, and like you I'm only directing them. Or can say I kapo lah! haha...life goes on.
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