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Everything posted by yeo99

  1. From liveaquaria.com The Banded Pipefish is difficult to keep due to its unusual feeding requirements. It normally prefers to eat only live copepods in a mature reef aquarium with plenty of live rock or macroalgae. An ideal diet to start this fish on is Nutramar Tigrio Bottled Live Copepods, and vitamin-enriched live baby brine shrimp. However, live baby brine should not make up the majority of its diet. Over time, the Banded Pipefish may become accustomed to eating frozen CYCLOP-EEZEĀ®, small Mysis, and Nutramar Ova. Looking for the best food to feed your Pipefish? We recommend AlgaGen Tisbe biminiensis. Not sure, where to buy them in Singapore. Maybe someone can help.
  2. Are you using any chemical media during cycling? It will slow down your cycling process, that is what I understand. Take out the pura during cycling is the best.
  3. Great idea by Bro CF Oh. Just a comment , instead of using a resistor to limit the current and reduce the voltage, I suggest use a voltage regulator that coresponding the pump input voltage. That will ensure constant voltage and constant rate of air flow.
  4. It is always disappointing to see the newly purchased fishes died even you have quarantined it properly. Quarantine increases greatly the chance of survive. The important i think is the selection. The fish must be eating if possible. If it is eating, there will be much high chance of survive. Yes, I do not mind paying a slightly higher price if the fish have some form of quarantine. Hopefully not too much ....
  5. The link is below Nice tank and nice live stock you have. Most important nice price. Highly recommended!!!
  6. Yes pallet eating mandarin are priceless, very difficult to train.
  7. Collected by a nice guy. Thanks for the interest.
  8. Reserved, pending collection tonight.
  9. Selling flame angel about 1.5 inches at $50 from my pico tank. Pallet eating. SMS to 96693543
  10. Actually in marine we want the pump to be off when there is a AC power. When there is no AC power, we want the ACDC pump to be on. ACDC pump always working if there is AC power, When there is no AC, DC power take over, and the pump reamains on. The pump is always on regardless of AC or DC power. We want the pump to be off when there is AC power. I think the ACDC air pump can not do this,. Please correct me if I am wrong. I am very not sure on the operation of ACDC air pump as I do not have the ACDC pump. I ask the LSF shop before, that is what I know from their reply.
  11. Yes, cannot add any more live rock, Only can reduce the number of fish when time come.The only flight is between the damsel and chromis. The rest is not. So, I do not want to add anymore rock to it, Just information on live rooks, Live rook is good to kick start your tank system's bb, Live rocks provide a natural environment for the fishes and good landscape in the tank, It is not so effective (in term of remove AN) as compared to good filter media as the live rock (most of them) are not pourous as the filter media.The disadvantages on the filter media is it needs time to cultivate the bb.
  12. Sorry for your losses, it reminds me of my power trip in last year. Although it occurs for about 6 hours, I lost almost all of the fishes, the power trip and the ich outbreak that comes after the power trip. It is necessary to have a backup power supply, Any good advices on the backup power supply setup......
  13. Yes for now, The fish will re-organize when the time come. Ammonia and nitrite is always zero and as for the Nitrate I do regular water change, Ich is always a challenge for pico tank if you are keeping fishes. So 1) always use salt mix, 2) Always qt the new fish before added to the pico tank An outbreak of ich will have serious outcome.
  14. Weekly about 30% to 50% water cycle. About one pail of water. Always use salt mix. Not NSW, too risky to use NSW for small tank (ich may be inside the NSW). That is one of the reasons why pico tank are difficult to keep fishes.
  15. Yes, presently it is too cramp. Have started to cycle the 3ft tank. Going to re-org the fishes and sell away some fishes.
  16. Ich remains in the tank for 4 weeks like that, as it remains in the sands, rocks and also in the body of the fishes. Sometimes it is impossible to leave the tank fishless, I sugguest continue to dose ParaGuard even the ich seem to go away for 4 weeks, You can reduce the amount of dose.
  17. Is your fish newly added? Your fish may have fungal or/and bacterial (do the skin starts to rot / becomes red?), you can try seachem ParaGuard as your tank is a reef tank. If the fish is eating well and you can get Seachem KanaPlex, then you can mix the medicine with your food. It is a more targeted approach than ParaGuard. Increase the fish immunity by feeding it with vitamins mixed foods/pellets too.
  18. I have started a pico tank since last year Nov period, It is a 1 feet cube Ocean Free tank with Gex Hang on filter and Boyu nano skimmer. Actually before that, it is a seahorse tank which I decom. It has been more 4 months now, everythings are very stable, Regular weekly water change. Fish may out grow the tank, when it does, will shift it to my nano tank. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnaDoN7rHc0&feature=player_embedded
  19. Tank only or set with sump and cabinet?
  20. Angel pending collection by cutedragon A video on the both fishes in the qt this morning:
  21. Can, only give you the emperor angel. Please take good care of it. Hope you can collect tomorrow at 8pm. Will contract you soon.
  22. Hi bezz The tang is reserved for collection by a reefer who PM me. I have a emperor angel (about 2 inches) also in the similar conditions, but very healthly and pellet eating, I can pass to you for FOC,
  23. Hi, I have 1 Purple tang (2 inches) I brought from fellow reefer for adoption. It is feeding on pellets and very healthly, but there is alot of pervious injuries that resulted it is not so nice in appearance. Brought it at $10 without checking the condition as I am in the hurry. I am not sure he will refund me or not, but neverthless it is for adoption. Wish to find someone that can take care of the purple tang, You need to have a mature tank first. I guess it will grow back all its fins with good care, Please reply through this post with your HP number, do not PM me, Collect in Tampines on Tuesday 8pm - 8.30pm ONLY. Thank you.
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