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Everything posted by Reefaholic

  1. This pc is now alittle bleach.... but still can see the pink polyps.
  2. My Regal from Coral Farm. About 6 inch long. Yes it is very big. Bought the wrong size.. But still very nice.
  3. My diamondback monti that i called. This pc is best to avoid, i called it 'RTN King'. Once brown out, difficult to colour up, Either RTN or brown up. This is just a frag that the colony RTN. Now recovering.
  4. Some of Dec 2005 shots that i have taken. This pc is not doing well, browning now. May not be the superman monti that we thought it is.
  5. Hi all, Just to share my tank with you guys here. Hope you enjoy. I have no time to take some pictures, so these are all old pictures. Will update more photos on all the fishes and corals sometimes in May.
  6. Cool... Nothing can beat the excitement of setting up a new tank.
  7. Its a good idea. But your LED bulbs are placed too closely, it makes no different from using a FL light. Maybe you should spaced them apart and it should give a more dimming and glistering effect.
  8. U have 2 beautiful leopards. They are not easy to keep, anyway Good work and Keep it up.
  9. Hi all, Selling the following sps colonies. No pictures available. 1. Acro - yellow base with green polyps. - $40.00 2. Stag colony (greying with purple tip multiple branches, 6inch long) - $40.00 3. Plating Monti (reddish, 6inch to 7 inch long and 4 to 5 inch wide) - $50.00 I will give 1 frag as token. Must collect by 19 April evening or this weekend afternoon. Interested pls pm me. My policies. 1. Pilots pls stay away. 2. Barter traders and 2nd hand (buy/sell) dealers pls stay out. 3. Ridiculous offer will not be entertained. 4. I reserved the right to withdraw or sell to anyone i wish. 5. Self collection in woodlands (my house), cash & carry. Thanks
  10. I think you will be able to see this in a local LFS soon.
  11. Nice aquascaping and you have nice clams there too besides sps. Good work bro.
  12. I am not gay , pls... I dont know you.
  13. Amazing thread. Seems like more and more participants.
  14. Long time never see this lady avatar. Almost forget her Beautiful face. From Hawali?
  15. the (North East) Reefers Vs the (West) Reefers???
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