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Everything posted by Reefaholic

  1. Selling this piece of birdnest for $80.00 Interested pls pm me. My policies. 1. Pilots pls stay away. 2. Barter traders and 2nd hand (buy/sell) dealers pls stay out. 3. Ridiculous offer will not be entertained. 4. I reserved the right to withdraw or sell to anyone i wish. 5. Self collection in woodlands (my house), cash & carry. Thanks
  2. Sad to see a dedicated reefer giving up the hobby.. Anyway.. best luck to you.
  3. Dear Reefaholic Sorry to have deleted this post as the incident was over and further posting will lead to flaming.
  4. I have to agreed with LinkinPark. IMO, you do not need those bio balls, biohome or Cerapore. Over time it collects detritus and become a nitrate factory. If you wash them, then it again contradict the purpose as those bact will be disturbed. Over the time, your water becomes stable and eventually run its own course, of course with regular maintenance like water change, etc.
  5. Bro, you can get it from Sealife. BTW, they are expensive. IMO, no point spending so much money on sand. I would rather put it on pumps, skimmers, etc. Normal sand will do.
  6. Rescaping is hell lots of work. Alternatively, place a mirror in front of your tank to distract and confuse your angels for 3 days.
  7. My Maintenance hold up tank for water change. My Salt and addictives that i used since day 1.
  8. FR by Joe P to hole my Rowa. Small hang on type on my sump with ehiem quick release. Change of Rowa every month with alittle amount.
  9. My Deltec Ca Reactor + 2nd Chamber made by Joe P. Kalkwasser Stirer auto top up (by Reef Relief)
  10. Part of my Sump. 3 Return Pumps.
  11. Wow, that is a hell big skimmer you have there... My Skimmer, BUbble King 300Ext.
  12. 2 on 1 side and 3 on the other. As my rockscape is on the center so they are placed in between the rockscape to avoid blowing directly to my corals. My only worrly is on the valley part where flow may not be enough.
  13. My yellow Tang Yellow Tang and Regal. Scribble Angel from Australia. Personnifer Angel from Australia.
  14. Ok guys, latest shots taken just now.
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