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  1. Must have stable parameters. Stability = Growth.
  2. This coral never survive more than 3 months... this is a difficult coral to keep... But its a challenge to try..
  3. Last year i went, saw a baracuda when i snokel. Also manage to see sea turtle and giant clams 30 inch wide.
  4. Its perfectly normal... Last time i was using 5 pumps and 3 x 400W MH, + T5 and other device already come out to $400plus per month for tank alone. Now I dont own any tank. My monthly bill is only $180 per month as compared to $650 to $700 per month. So high until PUB wanted to inspect my HDB house and see wheather what machine i put in because of sudden increase in load and when i removed my tank, my bill went down, they also want to check my meter and see whether i am stealing electricity or not.
  5. This guy is just a dishonest crook. When he was with a LFS, he promoted the products and dismiss other products. Now he with another lfs, he now said the former products are no good. Till now, he is mia. He still owns me money. Although small amount, but i think i am more disappointed to have know such person and recommended some of my friends to him to make tanks and now all complaint about his service and response.
  6. LCK is gentleman one. His boss wont mangle with small money to cheat customers. This farm is one of my favorite. But he got principle one. If customer trying to be funny, no matter how rich or how much he wants to buy, steven wont sell. Good service from good LFS.
  7. Dear Mr philip, You still have not reply me. So are you rebating the money to me or wat? You said you do not know the actual pricing. STOP BULLSHITTING. you are out to slaughter me. WHO in the right mind will take up a job without first knowing the cost???!!!... Until the guy reveal to you. You tried to cheat him $400 dollars until he came knocking on my door. If he has not done so, i think you would be happy not to hear from him as he tried to call you so many times. I dare to say you trying to con people. Now you still in hiding. GEO AQUATIC ??? As i said market is small. you will never know how long you going to hide.
  8. In fact there are alot more out there who did not make any posts here and i think you own them an answer. You are lucky as they are quite easy to go with. But i think dont take people kindness for granted. The market is small.
  9. Enough? Hey now is Oct rite? i hope you did not forget your promise whom i think u used to break always. Before doing the job, i said you need to cut the glass and thinking that the job is difficult so we agreed, but then the method of doing the job is different hence the price too. Now you saying you playing middle man, yes i agreed and i expect you to make some not cut throat price and different method of doing the job. Not to mention i known you for years and introduced you some of my friends. I dont make a single cent and now feel so apologetic whenever i talk to them. Oct already, i still waiting.. You act blur or what? To be frank, that few hundreds meant nothing to me. But i just dont like being betrayed by a so called friend who i first think is trustworthy person but turn out to be someone else.
  10. I hear your view brother. I think you are on the list of victims. I think you should not let the matter rest and seek him to compensate you.
  11. Selected customers? i think so.. But even selected rich customer also got victimised by him.. Those friends of mine who are building tanks more than 8ft long. He collected deposit and no news from him after few months. Its either do abit here and there left your tank uncomplete and when he feels like coming he come and do, if not he couldnt be bother. My friends are extremely angry. Not sure what is he up to? Those LFS or shops that collaborate with him will have their name being dragged down. LFS already on alert.
  12. I guess is this fellow is the old bird in this industry and many had used him before. Last time seems ok, now like promised and never deliver worst, take deposit liao never deliver. He is linked to a reputable shop as he always take products (branded) from them and tied with them on the setup. I hope my friend in this shop their reputation wont get hurt by him as this shop is very good in customer service. Tell you guys a story which until now i find it very amusing. I had my tank removed and i engaged this guy to hacked my tank and removed from my house. He engaged another contractor to do the job. So with the contractor's men the job was completed in just 3 hours, i paid this guy in cash. how he deal with his contractor i do not know. So after a few days, this limped contractor was (i find him pityful) came knocking my door. He asked me whether did i paid this guy. I told him i did right after finishing the job. He shown me a cheque and written $400.00 and was bounced off. He told me such a small amount was bounced and called this guy a few times, he didnt want to answer his call. I was very surprised and feel cheated as what i paid him was more than 200percent of this amount. And i find the contractor very pityful being played out by him. I called this guy and asked him how come he did such thing. He denied and said he will settle with the contractor. What happened i dont know as i told this contractor i already paid him and he should go back to him. This guy i have known him for years as i actually didnt engaged him on any of my tanks, thought he was trustworthy. But he turned out to be such a person which i really do not expect. 'Carroted' me even i know him for years. I am totally disappointed. Not to mentioned i even recommended so many friends to him to make tanks. Now some of my friends came to me and said this guy always MIA and cannot deliver. I feel sorry for them and regretted recommended them. I think now finding a good tank maker is not easy.
  13. i think should be fair to list the name here so that bros and sis will not fall into such traps. It reminds me of a person that i think highly of as he is considered a guru on tank making since 2003. Knowledge wise, i have no doubts, but i didnt get him to do my tank due to pricing. But has introduced him to some of my friends. Recently 1 of my friend engaged him, and was complaining to me on the same problem you have faced. i really feel bad introducing him and he began to lost my trust to because of trying to make a heafty profit from me on some minor work. Sometimes, its best to get a shop rather than freelance, it may cost abit more but then it save your problems later on, This is totally rubbish. DO what is best for yourself.
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