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Everything posted by twilight

  1. is there any fish that is a natural predator of crabs?
  2. I just got an IOS tank.... what would be the recommended filter medias to use?
  3. About drawing pics, my fren's credit card got no signature on the back so once while out drinking, one of my other frens drew a turtle on the slip and the waitress did not bother at all
  4. I got my dispar from SL on Saturday not sure if got some more. That day still have about 5-6
  5. Is it because there is not enough algae for it? It seems to be picking food off the LR and tank walls though... but it is confirmed smaller than last time... will it die slowly from hunger?
  6. Yup, I'm not putting my LS in now until cycling is done in the new tank. They are all in my old tank... I'm just wondering if it is ok to put the cowfish in there with my other fishes...
  7. My friend just gave me a cowfish... I know it releases toxins when it is stresses... is it ok to keep in a tank with other fishes? Anyone here keeping cowfishes? It's in my tank with an algae blennie, a golden head blennie and an dispiar anthias I got a new tank coming in tomorrow and I will be transferring the fish over when it is ready but I'm kind of worried about the cowfish.... it looks happy in my tank... just came today and feeding greedily on mysis shrimps...
  8. I'm looking for 1) 2 x 1.5 x 1.5 tank 2) Eheim Liberty 200 hang on filter 3) Weipro 2011 or 2012 Anyone selling these stuff? pm me if have
  9. How many peppermint shrimps? Still have? How much are they selling them? Thanks
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