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Everything posted by twilight

  1. Hi AT I guess maybe it also depends on luck? My mum has this close knit group of friends and they have been frens since secondary school. They always go out together and have their girly outings they even went to the boom boom room! I guess I've been lucky also. I've got a group of close friends. We've been frens for over 10 years. No squabbles so far! I love my friends to bits I know there are some gals that can be b*tches I've worked in advertising before and it was b*iches galore at times haha..... eh, the b*tchiest of the lot were the gays *grin* No offence hor, but I've also seen some very very "xiao qi" guys before. I know one gal who's bf gets angry if she is with him and we call her and she talks to us for like 1 min.... He will show here the "face of Bao Gong" And you can see the true character of the guys especially when a group of frens are going after the same gal... you will not believe the backstabbing guys are capable of... and the backstabbing is directed towards people they call their "brothers"
  2. Eh, just because the gals u know are like that dun mean ALL girls are like that hor Most of the times, the bonds of friendships between gals last more longer than for guys! Confirm, guaranteed + HUGE Chop haha....
  3. Mambo still have but now got a lot of NS guys during Mambo... I went to this new Disco, it is behind Boat Quay... it is called Rav. Music spinned by one of Mdm Wong's ex DJ Centro also got Gay night
  4. I got a truncate fairy anthias. Bought from SL. VERY GREEDY fish! Always waiting for food... Everytime I look at the tank, the fishie always will swim to the top waiting for food It started feeding the first day it came here. NEVER hides, very bold...
  5. Do lfs sell nori or is it those buy from supermarket type?
  6. if it stinks, it is decaying i think Are u cycling tank??
  7. From Queen St here u can take a bus there. I think is $2-3 only. Take bus go walk walk at the Shopping Center near the check point lor. Then hop on bus back Or u can take SLOW Stroll and walk across the causeway back I think quite a lot of people do that leh.... when me and me bf drive in to JB always see people walking along the causeway...
  8. Was at Borders yesterday, was reading this book about marine life and it mentioned that for the Sleeper Gold Head Goby it is better to keep in pairs and they will live in the burrow together? If kept alone, it will pine for mate and slowly waste away.... After reading got kind of worrried for my Sleeper Gold Head Goby. Anyone else keeping? Mine likes to "spray" sand all over my mushrooms haha.... But it is getting thinner though
  9. I'd luv to stay in San Francisco.... LOOOVE that place
  10. Can a separate sub-forum be set up for people posting "LOOKING" for things? Maybe will be easier for people who are actually sellling stuff?
  11. Seen any recently? I now got a spare tank.... thinking of keeping one... how much do they usually cost??
  12. I'm back in school FULL time at the age of 26 Got about a year more to go before finishing my Advance Dip. Eh, but my school's oldest student for Diploma is like in her 40's terryansimon, u are right. Me like u, messed it up... but I messed up after my O's.... Then went to School of Hard Knocks then back in proper school
  13. I also notice it turns paler when sleeping... having nightmares
  14. I noticed my algae blennie changing between pale green and dark green... is this normal??? Which means throughout the day, sometimes it's colouration is light green and at other times it is a dark shade of sea weed green
  15. is this the fish: http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cl...&articleid=1759
  16. Check this out! www.fragexchange.com But this is a US site
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