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Everything posted by clownman

  1. Worms, crabs ... ? Think I got one crab in there. Cos found its molted shell twice. But no casualties some far, so no rush to catch the rascal yet. Anyway, it'll help to clean my tank - those uneaten food. When I had this tank in my office (before I brought it home), think I caught close to 10 crabs in there. 2~3 are big ones. Those time, I had missing fishes now and then. Caught a few worms, big ones, and threw them away. But left the small ones behind. Cos good for your tank's eco-system.
  2. Kg, errr ... Sorry, don't remember. But about 7 pieces of palm-sized ones. Cos bought my LRs over a few trips. The cost ranges from $16~20 per kg. Sorry, don't know the costs for cured and uncured rocks either. But I prefer to pick those with more coralline growth (purple patches on the LRs).
  3. I have a 1.5ft tank in my room as well. I don't use any skimmer. Used to have the internal kind - but takes up too much space. But I change water every weekend. And I think you'll need a air stone if you're not intending to get a skimmer. Cos you need some mechanism to mix the air into the water. Otherwise, you may see your fishes gasping for air at the surface. And I'm using a cannister filter - cos can put more media inside, compared to the hang-on type. LR needed by some fishes - cos some likes to hide. Plus can cultivate bacteria in LR to handle your fishes waste. Regarding the temperature issue, I on my air-con at night as well. When I wake up, the tank is at ~25C. It will go up to ~30C near evening. Used to hover ~28-29C, but nowadays weather hot. Btw I have a hang-on fan blowing on the water. Anyway, what I realise is if I closed my door and windows in my room the whole day, the cold air from the previous night helps to keep my tank's temprature low for a longer time.
  4. not sure if i'm right. but think if there are fishes producing the waste, you don't have to feed the LRs.
  5. i have a ~1.5 inch BT in my 1.5 ft tank. it's doing well so far. though not much area to swim, it's still very active. will be getting a 3 ft tank for him soon ...
  6. me stung by a bubble coral once. swelling kinda like mosquito bite. anyway, gone in 2~3 days
  7. Hi there, Is there any kind of corals that I can safely keep with butterflies? Thanks.
  8. Did a search on the web. This is what someone said: "The black or brown on the rocks could be diablooms and a part of the cycle process. Putting a protein skimmer on the tank and doing a water change is just what the tank needs at this point. Make sure that you are not running the lights as that will add to your problems, lighting should be started with short periods and worked up from there." Hope this helps for guys out there with my problem.
  9. Hi there, My rocks in my tank are turning brownish. Is this good or bad? Is there anything I should do? Thanks.
  10. I not sure abt a Brown Tang, Powder Brown and a Powder Blue Tang. But I have a Powder Tang that's always picking a fight with my Clown Tang.
  11. Ya, I had a total of 4-5 fish missing, mostly small ones. There's one time I had a tomato clown (abt 1in long, kinda dying then), it was been dragged halfway underneath a coral by a tiny crab. Must have thought it's gonna have a feast.
  12. You know sometimes when you buy live rocks or corals, you can find tiny crabs clinging on to it. My question is, should I remove them or should I just leave them alone?
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