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Everything posted by clownman

  1. hi, just wanna share my experience. i'm having a 20L tank currently too. water condition is ok, just nitrate is on the high side. ammonia - 0 nitrite - 0 nitrate - ? (too high to tell from chart, but Tetra Test known for super high nitrate readings) calcium - 450 dKH - 11 pH - 8 sg - 1.022 i'm using a cannister filter and no skimmer cos no space. have 6 fishes (5 chromis, 1 bristletooth tang) , 1 shrimp and 4 corals. being with me for months and in good conditions. anyway, my advice is to overkill on the filter. get a filter that can handle a tank 2x or 3x your size. and stuff it with good mediums. in mine, i have (from bottom): coarse wool rowaphos carbon denitrate polyfilter biohomme fine wool i change 15% water every week. hope it helps.
  2. hahaa ... no lah, planning a 6in dsb. cos wanted to see 2ft (height-wise) of water. therefore, 6in + 24in, already 30in. somemore need to plus abit of extra glass on top for the hood. that's how i came out with 3ft. was quoted a price of 1400 with sump. not sure if its too ex. measured my arm. fingers to armpit -> 28in. maybe should go for 2.5ft instead. otherwise armpit juice may cause ammonia spike ... thanks, bros.
  3. as titled. 12mm glass with cabinet. an estimation will do. thanks.
  4. I will put the fish in those plastic container sold in some LFS. Leave it there for days or weeks till it's swimming and eating normally. Then I'll lower the container and remove the cover. And wait for the fish to swim out by itself. Works for here. Never die from stress.
  5. It's showing signs of growth. Not sure of the terminology though ... "branching"?? Anyway, good lah. My torch started with 5 branches. Now has 7. 8th & 9th coming soon.
  6. split? you mean one branch become two?
  7. maybe not. better play safe. use 10mm i'm getting a 36x18x36. think will be using 12mm.
  8. Yes, you need to dose calcium to raise calcium level. Kalk is used to maintain the calcium level.
  9. From bottom: Coarse filter wool Carbon Rowaphos Denitrate Polyfilter Biohomme Fine filter wool
  10. think its important your nitrate and phosphate needs to be "zero" also.
  11. can try denitrate or polyfilter and do 20% water change on alt days till nitrate level drops to safe level
  12. Think Option 2 is do-able. But need to change your lights.
  13. Removing nitrate -> Seachem denitrate Removing algae -> Rowaphos
  14. looks like this one ... http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di...d=26&pCatId=662
  15. I don't rinse my rowa either. Just following instruction.
  16. Chromis ... Supposed to be peaceful and hardy
  17. How about getting a UV sterilizer? Think it'll kill the floating itch.
  18. If a hermit crab has difficulty shedding the old exoskeleton, it could die.
  19. How about hermits? They eat macro algae also, right?
  20. Should be "kWh" not "kW/hr". Anyway, calculation's correct. Think there should be 2 rates if you refer to your bills. First one is a lower rate. But once you cross a quota, the second rate applies thereafter.
  21. Errr ... don't think the "cleaning with hot water" is necessary.
  22. It's ok. I always have saltwater on standby. But put a lid on it. And measure the SG before you use it next time.
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