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Everything posted by clownman

  1. Sorry bro, not sure if its acrylic. Maybe you can give Robin or Edmund a call. Their number should be in the sponsor's forum. Anyway, Robin said they going back to online business. So no shop anymore.
  2. Sorry, I meant "Not sure whether its still around".
  3. Robin (from eAqua) did mentioned they intend to sell it. But that was quite a few weeks back. Not sure whether its quite around ...
  4. Haha ... right on Yes, you can construct a DSB in the centre compartment physically. But the size ain't big enough. Read somewhere here that the DSB gotta be at least half the length of your main tank to be effective. Maybe it's time to upgrade ...
  5. You can have the DSB in the centre compartment. But the water flow to the 3rd compartment will be from the top instead of the bottom. Another issue ... compartment is too small for the DSB to be effective.
  6. Just to add on ... Reborn's new shop is using it. You can go see the effect.
  7. The brown stuff are diatoms. You get these when your water's nitrate and phosphate level are on the high side. Not harmful, just unsightly. I don't keep anemone, so I can't comment on this. But I can say you need strong lighting to keep this fella. Doctor shrimp - you mean the cleaner skunk shrimp, right? Red with white stripe on back? It cleans fishes. It's good. Btw, I think you meant "clown" fish ...
  8. How about getting another overflow pipe? I diy my overflow pipe. Which I found one is not enough to cope with the faster return. Thus I made another overflow pipe and it solved this problem.
  9. You mean this kind ... http://www.seapix.com/bristleworm.htm Better catch it if you can. Powerful sting.
  10. What did you feed your blue tang with? I read somewhere that says tangs become more aggressive if fed primarily with meat. That's what's happening to my blue tang also. Quite a fierce bugger. But no casualty. Try feeding him with more nori.
  11. I'm still using though I find no effect. Cos anyway buy already. But should be my first and last bottle. Anyway, try a DSB or changing water regularly.
  12. Read somewhere that different coraline algae likes different light intensity. That means what you're experiencing is normal. Maybe you can check these out: http://www.garf.org/coralline.html http://www.wetwebmedia.com/corlalgfaqs.htm
  13. not sure if i'm right. could be the clown's protective mucus. ain't no disease.
  14. I read somewhere it's no good to pre-stock kalk water. Think got something to do with CO2???
  15. I always use newspaper to clean the glass. Think the oil on the paper also help to make the glass shine.
  16. Your SG is in effect increasing SLOWLY every time as your water will evaporate. So dosing kalk water as top up water does not necessarily mean a drop in SG.
  17. My bristletooth not doing much work on clearing the algae. Only initially when first introduced. Now basically "bo chap". Only eat minced shrimp + seaweed. But got a blue tang recently. Cleared my algae by 70% in 1 week. Now hoping the algae can grow fast enough to keep it going. Cos it only eats the algae. Excellent chap.
  18. FYI, Interestingly, my bristletooth tang eats other fish poop. I'm keeping 5 chromis with 1 bristletooth. Before the poop reaches the sand bed, it would be in the bristletooth's mouth. Yucks!! Even though I'm not feeding them twice a day. No side effects and yet my bristletooth getting fatter.
  19. yup, price is for main tank (12mm). cabinet, sump plus piping.
  20. forgot to mention. the only problem i'm facing right now is algae. hairy algae overtaking me tank. now my orange sponge looks like a !@#$% bonsai plant.
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