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Everything posted by [d]3v|L

  1. can do a search on the net abt their requirements.. mostly beginner corals are mushrooms, button polyps, leathers etc intermediate are bubbles, brains, favites, plate corals, and some other LPS
  2. Most prob Pods, not harmful, is a good sign that your tank is healthy
  3. nice unicorn.. but the kok not that big BTW any full tank shots?
  4. If u really want to keep clams with PL or T5 u must use lotsa tubes and position them high up.
  5. just curious but how u gonna make that thing turn?
  6. Yea that was what i did.. can get those Toyogo box at supermarket like Carrefour etc..
  7. how come now selling BT? the breeding season?
  8. maybe they can breed sharks and we still can eat
  9. The cycling period will speed up if you use back your old water. But if your water is contaminated with disease then should not use it.. I said you can keep your LS in the tub( with old water) or get another person to keep it for you during the cycling period.
  10. This is what i did UNPLUG ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCEs 1.) Get a big tub and drain out all the water. 2.) Put LR, corals and LS in the tub. 3.) take out all the sand put in a pail. 4.) transfer the sand, LR and water into the new tank 5.) can tompang ur LS to other people or kepe in the tub with filtration. change water weekly
  11. then where to get this pure black scopas tang? can bluff people say i bought a black tang
  12. y don u try algae blenny or some snails?
  13. get a SS or cabinet.. WI rusts v easily.
  14. Why is the hammer inside the tank when it is cycling at the first place?
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