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Everything posted by [d]3v|L

  1. i see, do u feed them regularly?
  2. hey lemon, how are ur bartletts and do you feed them regularly? what do u feed? thanks
  3. hi guys just a quick queston, any stuff at irwana/ahbeng/AM? may wanna go down to take a look tmr
  4. guys just a quick question.. my true perc mysteriously disappeared yesterday and i can't find it The body may be inside the rocks but theres no reason for it to die cos it was healthy all along..checked the overflow and its not there also. Is there a possibility of my nassarius finishing it up IF it died? Many thanks
  5. super nice blastos and yumas at GO. those that got deep pocket should go down and take a look
  6. i like ur new blasto.. do u mind me asking how much u got it for? what other colours does irene have? might go down to take a look
  7. for those looking for small sized picasso trigger or clown trigger, AM got a few. Really nice, too bad i dont keep a fowlr tank
  8. hi does anyone know which place in the east is selling Solite 1W moonlight? mine fell into the tank and is not working anymore sigh..
  9. seen it personally, really nice fish. would have gotten it from u but my new tank is still cycling and don't think my sandbed is deep enough also
  10. really nice yumas. must have cost a bomb
  11. nice chromis! where did u got them from?
  12. hey bro, Nice rockcape there. Care to share what filter and lights ur using? BTW I bought a 1/8hp teco chiller for my 2ftcube recently also.. figuring out how to use the valve also. Do let me know once you got it ok bro cheers~
  13. bro, very nice setup there. What lights are u using now? still the 2X150? Sorry hard to check..cos ur thread is so long over the period of many years
  14. GO got really nice oxyporas.. those orangy kind mixed with blue
  15. lotsa new fishes and inverts at ahbeng . Got quite a few small and cute sized sailfin tang for those looking for it. Saw a very nice angler too.. Still got quite alot of US zoos left..mostly pink with green/browning rims
  16. bro hows ur tank? jus received mine..hehe
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