1 year old IM Nuvo 20 tank and cabinet
Free : skimmer, 2x CustomCaddy Media basket, 2x Fish Guard Overflow protector
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
1 year old IM Nuvo 20 tank and cabinet
Free : skimmer, 2x CustomCaddy Media basket, 2x Fish Guard Overflow protector
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Hi, I am considering setting up a quarantine tank and is looking for best practices for reefers here. These are some of the equipment I am thinking about
1. Dymax 5 IOS tank with led light
2. air pump for improved oxygen when dosing medication
3.Bare bottom except for PVC pipes
Can anybody advise how their cool their quarantine tank? what is the temperature required ?
How long to keep the fishes in ? What are the medication required and any other equipment required.
Thanks !
Salifert ammonium (exp 6/17)
Salifert Nitrite (exp 7/17)
Take both at $10
Two Little Fishes C-balance part A and B
Seachem Reef builder $7
Coralife Hygrometer $5
Contact 9zero90eight610
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
Salifert ammonium (exp 6/17)
Salifert Nitrite (exp 7/17)
Take both at $10
Two Little Fishes C-balance part A and B
Seachem Reef builder $7
Coralife Hygrometer $5
Contact 9zero90eight610
Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app