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Everything posted by stevenchia

  1. Its Oyster. I will be posting pic tonight as i am now in office.. Sorry to keep u guys waiting..
  2. You can face ur fans downwards, provided you place ur wave maker at that area surface. Creating waves that will make a more cooling effect. That is what i am doing now..
  3. Anyone interested in 2.5 inch oyster?
  4. Take note there are some dead spots that the light cannot reach. Just my 2 cents...
  5. I using 30cm/ 1 feet Led lamp same brand. I added 2 blue led light to soften the yellow light. My Green Monti growing very healthy.. All growing like birdnest.. So upz for u.. It a nice lamp.
  6. Just like to add in some points to increase the success rate for the capture for the "Evil Hairy" Just captured mine on 31st of Jan 2011 Proven Method of capture "The Evil Prawn Lure" 1st, try to locate the crab if possible by its hairy legs, i mean crab's hairy leg. Off your main light or possible only blue lights, put a piece of prawn tie to a satay stick with a rubber band. Position food in front of the crab. Try to move towards it, then play with it until it become angry and come out drag your whole bait. Trap it with net when it comes out to feed. Then house it in the toilet bowl and flush it... and say bye bye..
  7. What u mean kana fined? Where u park your car? It is better to buy Cedric's sps, it is more stable then u buy in any LFS. Suceed rate is 99.9% more higher compare to LFS that is why I prefer. Sps when arrive during shipment from LFS may be injured, starved or dead but coloured flesh still cover nicely. Suceed rate may be low like 50%. "Pls correct me if im wrong.." Unless u buy one that is already there for at least a month.. or weeks maybe..
  8. You go to Cedic's house and buy... He can recommend you all types of easy corals he have.. You will need a couple of hours to choose.. see n see but dun know wat to buy.. Will want to bring them all home.. One of the easy one is Sunset Milli..
  9. Can try ah beng, they always got some to sell.. Saw it quite often, since last shipment...
  10. Great idea and very informative.. Now all the crabs will in our aquarium.
  11. 1 inch is kind of big for a crab.. it may be 2 inch now.. Even for 1/4 inch i spear it also.. no mercy.. Hopefully it will not target ur corals..
  12. Saw some algae eaten and sad to say 1 sps ganna.. and my blue xenia also gone.. Bought my blue xenia at $15, now think left $1. Gone part by part every nite.. Going to spear it if he comes... Spear 1 tiny 1 today.. using stainless tweezer.. using dropper to feed my sun coral then he comes out.. so use the dropper to lure it out. Then spear it...
  13. Nice idea.. u mean let it jump or fall into the bottle? but does it really works? You try that before? Pls explain more.. If got drawing better still.. Thanks..
  14. Hi, any bro here got any ways of removing the crabs.. without removing LR...and corals.. A very small 1 feet tank, no box tray can go in due to space constraint. Any ideas like putting nets with bait for it to tangle.. dun wan to tangle my fish also.. I have speared 2 little crabs, now left 1 big and 1 small..
  15. You can keep corals and fish like mine.. without chiller and skimmmer.. Pte msg me if interested, as i provide service for mod fans and lightings e.g Boyu MT40(32litre) Enjoy the pic..
  16. Any one interested in nano reef tank that goes without a chiller only using fan to cool down?
  17. Hi cedric, thanks for ur sps. They look great.. This is they pic for my tank... any comments? Only the top left light not enough, shadow casting on that sps.. Upz for ur super sps..
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