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stevenchia last won the day on February 18 2020

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About stevenchia

  • Birthday 11/27/1976

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  1. Should be red instead of orange seafan. Very easy seafan to keep. Keep away from direct lights. Well established tanks and good flow. Welcome for trades also. If got any things that interest me. Thank you.
  2. Reason, need to off load some frags due to space constraint. Collection woodlands. Requires feeding and good flow. $20. Very stable in my tank.
  3. Sold. Another colony for $30. Wanted to regrow from scratch again. Too big colony for my tank.The pink is caused by the red LED lights. Size about 2.5-3inches. Started from a branch. Placement near water surface.
  4. Too heavy drop from scape. Very dense branches. Sell at $30. Collection at woodlands st 41.
  5. Upz... Radioactive birdnest colony going for 40.
  6. One radioactive ☢️ colony about almost to a fist size. Grown from frag to colony. $50
  7. Wtt/wts 1-2 inch stable sps more than 1 month. Collection woodlands area All sps is stable for hi than I'm looking for Fiji pink pointed bird nest, true optics, red monti plate, forest fire, any other montis. No miles üpora. Green monti and grafted monti I have. 1. Tri-color birdnest (Yellow base) birdnest A/B- 15, C- 25, D/E- 20, 2. Tri-color birdnest (Yellow base) birdnest A/B- 18 3. Branching montipora F, J, I, -20 4. Tubbs Stella montipora. G- 20 5. Radioactive birdnest. H-15. (Got bigger colony size. If interested too) 6. Deep purple valida with neon polyps. G- 20.
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