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Everything posted by RAV-65

  1. setup description? as in my filter system? I got an internal overflow system... where there is 1st a sponge to filter out the bigger debris, den the polyfilter, den bioballs and ceramic rings and coral chips.... the water den runs into the 2nd compartment where i have activated carbon in a bag and dat's where i skim the water with a weipro 2012, the water is den allow to flow back into the tank... not exactly perfect, but i'm restricted, currently still researching before i embark on my 3 feet tank... Vincent Ho
  2. Well, gotta admit when i started, didn't know there was so much about marine fish keeping, got the 2 feet tank after a friend wanted to discard it, gave me LR and Live sand with all the filter media... tot was okay to start and i started stocking LS... After much reading in this thread, i realise i was wrong, end up giving away some fishes to a friend to reduce the LS, taking out some fishes to put in another smaller 1 feet tank.... i den out in more LR, used Nutrafin cycle to induce more baterial growth.... put in a polyfilter, a weipro 2012, abit of bio balls, got test kits for no2, no3, calcium, nh3, ph, marine buffer, reef trace, strontium, seachem reef builder, activated carbon, mh 1x150W 20kk, fed my fish with garlic soaked food... change water once a week, i also monitered my salinity level regularly.... Is that wat ur question is refering to? hope i haven't left out anything.... Vincent Ho
  3. AT, in the other thread, I saw something very similar but in balck and white and the website said it was some sea bunny, I tot its another species.... tink i got my research all wrong!!! any idea wat these nudibranch eats? i was about to buy a blue sponge for it to eat, coz i tot it was a sea bunny.... Vincent Ho
  4. marinereef, thanxs for the compliments bro.... i'm using a 1x150W 20KK MH... Vincent Ho
  5. My little pink anemone dat still refuses to open fully after 2 weeks...
  6. My prized green bubble... sorry for the blurred pic...
  7. The sea bunny i mentioned in another thread....
  8. Hi all, this is my humble 2 feet tank after 2 months, would appreciate any forms of comments, suggestions or criticism... if there's anything I've done wrongly in my tank, please let me know... Thanxs! Vincent Ho
  9. hey, i've seen very white bubbles b4, at the showtank at rebXXn, the one on the 2nd floor... anyone seen it as well? Vincent Ho
  10. Wah, been using it for less than 2 weeks leh... izit becos there are impurities in the water dat's why it turned blackish so fast, does it mean if i change a new one now, it will last longer? if not every 10 days or so change one, can die leh... more ex than S...tary pads leh!!! kekekeke.... Vincent Ho
  11. Hi all, been using the polyfilter and its been working for me, but do i need to wash it regularly? its already blackish in colour.... would washing it too regularly damage its life span? Vincent Ho
  12. Hey, hammerhd, dat's the fella i was tokking about... so apparently they feed on blue sponge.... my friend has got one dat's yellow in colour too, dunno if its the same breed... Vincent Ho
  13. Hi all, i'm planning to get a 3ft tank with a height of maybe 2 feet, can someone advise if a MH 1x250W is sufficient?? Vincent Ho
  14. Hmm... i try to get a pic, but that would mean i need to go his place again, anyway, the creature is pretty colourful, one is yellow with spots and the other is white with black spots... are nudibraches like dat? Vincent Ho
  15. Cld it be a case of lack of food? Juz wondering... Vincent Ho
  16. Hi all, heard from a friend that by using this method of increasing the salinity of the water can rid the LR of the worms and crabs... my question is, would it do any harm to the rock?? Anyone can advise? Thanxs! Vincent Ho
  17. Juz curious, the crab living in the cauliflower? it seems to be doing damage based on the description by fressine! Anyone can provide more info? Vincent Ho
  18. Hi all, thanxs tanzy!! will be reading up... i tried to do a search on the rabbit, but only one thread came up... fressine, they dun hop, when they move, they stretch themselves and curl up again... damn cute, and colourful too... I tink i will be getting some myself.... Vincent Ho
  19. Nope, no pics... but seriously, those slugs are damn cute!! he has 2 yellow ones and one white with black dots.... defitnitely interesting!! Vincent Ho
  20. hi all, went to my friend's hse today to look at his tank and saw a few colourful slug-like creastures that has some "hair" at one end.... According to him, they are sea rabbits... can anyone confirm? Questions is: 1) Are these "sea rabbits" safe? 2) Would they damage corals? 3) wat do they eat? Thanxs! Vincent Ho
  21. Hallo, how much you intend to sell? any indication? Vincent Ho
  22. Actually my fire shrimp does appear, once food is introduced into the tank, the fella jumps out!! kekeke... Vincent Ho
  23. Hi all, anyone here who keeps boxfish? or does anyone have any idea wat boxfishes eat? Pls advise... Thanxs! Vincent Ho
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