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Everything posted by vinccc2009

  1. 残忍。。。animal kingdom... But you have very good camera shots...which brand and model are you using? Thinking of getting one too.
  2. Can show the inside of the Refugium?
  3. Nice... May consider add some blue, yellow and red...powder blue, banana wrasse and flame angel...haahaa
  4. Forgot to add on. I once place my spare 2ft tank in my toilet upright without foam. One fine day, I saw a big crack line across. Then I realized that my neighbor downstairs was doing some renovation and the vibration causes the tank to rub against the floor and crack....
  5. Best to put. To even the pressure especially...sometimes, salt may accumulate beneath your tank while maintenance and they are like rubbing rocks against your tank...u know what will happen in long run.
  6. Did a search myself...hopefully it is bristleworm. "Bristleworms are blamed for everything negative that occurs in reef tanks, but they are actually very good clean up detrivores. Count on them to find excess food missed by your fish, and expect to see many of them at night with a flashlight. They are often found on decaying matter, and thus are blamed for the death of the [insert creature here] rather than praised for keeping the tank clean. Reef-safe!" The pic looks quite similar to mine.. In addition, below link is a comprehensive readup on the good and bad guys in our tank http://www.xtalworld.com/Aquarium/hitchfaq.htm
  7. I saw this thingy moving in between my sump last week thinking it is some sort of dirt. Then today, I saw it moving with tiny legs!! There are no way for me to catch it as it is between 2 glass of my sump. Only can pic for all to help me to ID. Definitely a pest! But how to kill it?
  8. Haahaa ..reminded me on my puppy dog. She will ran very fast around the house from room to room n up the sofa n bed. Then suddenly, she will stop n drink drink... Vet said it's part of her growing process... So never know fish also has such behavior...interesting!
  9. Hope mine will no go kapok after half yr..
  10. I am using it too. By the way, can reuse the calibration liquid?
  11. Thanks all sifu... i will monitor as what advised.
  12. I realized that my PH is only 7.89. What will be the best remedy n least disturbing to the tank? What will happen to my corals n livestock?
  13. Swee... :welldone: I like your rbta..got from ML?
  14. Didn't read before going down yesterday. I will buy if I have read it earlier... Went there and bought a fat fat midnight angel for less than 1red...hee and saw the rain coming and quickly rush to my car and drive back...didn't even see those front display tanks...sigh...
  15. Ha ha..me too...worst I am using my iPad to watch the upside down photos. When I turn, the photo follow..so no way to look up straight...heee.. However, nice price.
  16. is this how we frag mushroom? just cut the side slide and let it fuse to a full circle?
  17. how this work? interesting...
  18. But you are going to save 12-13 plastic bottles...save the earth lor..8-)
  19. What a waste! Which tank? Selling your livestock?
  20. Yu have so many different clowns together...won't they fight?
  21. Your AT is so active now...fully recovered?
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