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Everything posted by vinccc2009

  1. Recently I saw both fighting. PT got torned fins and started showing ick. YT got a bit of torn fins but it is the winning one. Can see both their damages. they have been together close to a year! whats happening? I did a WC and rescape my rocks yesterday to try whether is it because of territorial fight...but this morning, i saw they fought again!
  2. Actually it's been made much much easier with so many new products in the market compared to those days 5-6yrs ago. I will start with the easiest...clown fishes...or damsel? Anyone can contribute their success stories here?
  3. Anyone feed their anemone with dead fishes? I saw some LFS keep some fishes in freezer n cut them. Will it increase ammonia like leaving dead fishes in the tank without taking out?
  4. I Had red slime outbreak before and killed my sps. Now, red slime no more.or very minimum...what did I do, maybe it works on mine but not yours..so can try 1) reduce photoperiod. 2h wc twice monthly. 3) use RO water for top up <= main importance. 4) use PO4 remover 5) I actually took out my rocks with red slime n wash it. Never do it in your tank!
  5. Ah Beng told me last week that there may be sohal tomorrow. If any bros saw it, please pm me. Thanks!
  6. Maybe you want to change the position of your sunnies?
  7. Yes. But will treat it as a hobby instead of a commercial point of view. Previously, I am in freshwater and has tried successfully with, betta, ram, crs, etc...with much failure beforehand. Marine is still very new to me. But I am still not that old to try and explore.
  8. http://www.rcthawaii.com/angel/6.htm Arent they cute... Thinking of setting up a lab myself here to do breeding.
  9. Shrimp are cheap. Instead just put in a FW tank and as and when need to feed, just throw into main tank...it will suvive till the predator eat them up.
  10. just wonder how worms eat live fishes? but worms will eat dead fishes. so i think maybe your fish already dead and this pest went for its meal.
  11. I saw some in CF last weekend. You may check with aunt.
  12. Salt water can order and ask for delivery. Farm got the most ranges when stock are new.
  13. wow! your pic can be my wallpaper...so siew... whats is that fish beside the YT?
  14. if 1 20l pail is $6...then it is a bit ex lor.. 1 bag if i am not wrong, $2. right?
  15. I saw some small container stating Baby Plankton in C328 and Polyart. Any bro here bought it? How to use it?
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