Hi all,
got the below for sale. As usual, no holding and FCFS. Collection is bedok reservoir rd. thanks!
HOF Sun B2 250L/Hr 12 x 11 x 12cm ----------------------------------$8
Hydor Seltz L30 1200L/Hr, used for a year plus. (comes with brand new impeller from AM, cost $19.80) --------$35
Shanda SDP5800A Pump 3500L/H 8/10 -----------------------------$10
Seio M820 wave maker-----------------------------------------$15
Dymax 2ft 2tube T5, 1 x 24W Coral Blue, 1 x 24w ATI Aquablue Spezial, c/w stand (pls note one of the plastic tube holder is broken, but easily replaced at LFS for a few bucks, can still support the tubes though----------------$20
Weipro SA 2011 skimmer, no pump--------------------FOC with Hydor L30
Sera Nitrate NO3 Test kit, brand new -----------------$10
API Calcium Test Kit, used once ------------------------$8
Rock of orange yumas, about 9 polys, asst sizes -------$15