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Everything posted by SamuelTan

  1. Does anyone knows where to get one in Singapore? All the Par30 I saw are all white
  2. Hey, I was thinking of getting one for my IQ3 also lol
  3. Pm and sms you. Need to find one more set for my friend
  4. Great!!!! Thanks man! Sent you SMS =)
  5. Anyone selling? Please contact 98300686 Samuel
  6. I have 100kg++ of rocks to sustain 1 mandarin. You can always make a refugium with lots of caulerpa & cheato to start off your pods breeding and occasionally release the pods to feed your mandarin if you think there isn't enough pods for it.
  7. Lots of rocks, you don't get to see it very often. My tank has endless supply of pods for my mandarin, been keeping it for 5mths already.
  8. Green, size slightly less than a fist , $10 Collection at yewtee 98300686
  9. 2 x Tiny carpet - $20 each 1 x Haddoni's Carpet - $20 Size - 3cm - 5cm 98300686
  10. - Pink Sand Dollar (about 1.5"- 2") - $15 each - Pink Sea Cucumber (with yellow 'stripes' about 1.5"-3") $6 - White Urchin with spotted purple tips(about 2"-3") - $10 - Chocolate chip Starfish (about 3") $6 - Common small stars (about 1" - 2") $3 - Hermit crabs (about 2"-3") $4 SMS/Call @ 98300686 Thanks! Collection will be @ YewTee, CCK Drive
  11. Depends on how many clowns you are keeping and how big is your tank. I have 4 species of clownfish in my tank and they have no problems at all
  12. Or you can just go ntuc/cold storage buy Seaweed(Nori) without any seasonings!
  13. Can try Scythe or Coolermaster high-end PC fan for gamers or any other gaming fans can easily beat any fans marketed for aquarium, Usually cost 3 red notes and less with more CFM, durable and silent, 120mm-140mm size. Currently trying out on CRS tank setup.
  14. Bought the cocoworms from bro Ultraman, two hours later it starts spraying stream of white milky stuff for about 15mins. Is this spawning or something else?
  15. They should be "Mini Turbo Snail" or Collonista Snails", Check the opening of the shell if there's a pit or like a shell protecting you from poking its meat, if it is there its not not a sundial snail but a hardworking snail which only comes out at night!
  16. Recently caught some wild filefish, added to my tank three days ago. Today all of them died, left one of smallest one. One was found dead on a rock, another in decorator's mouth, another body missing. Are wildfishes unstable unable to adapt to tank environment? They were feeding on pellets and mysis.
  17. Just pm you about the wavermakers and livestocks~
  18. What about crabs? Haha I have two cleaners thinking of adding a few more maybe it's because there's too much space in the tank. And ya, shrimps will change their gender.
  19. FeatherDusters? For some reason my cleaner shrimps remain male for months never had any eggs on them.
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