Add Price for Triggerfish etc..
Prices here are rough estimates only and based on individual reefer's experience. Discounted and bulk buying price should not be used.
Prices will vary from shop to shop due to many factors such as region/breed/size of fish, economic sense, operation cost, quarantine methods, import quantity, pellet/frozen food trained, bargaining, stock clearance, etc.
Names of LFS should not be added.
False Percula (Amphiprion ocellaris) ~ $1
Black Ocellaris Pair ~ $75 to $80
True Percula (Amphiprion percula) ~ Small $12 - $25, Better Grade $90, Pair $150
Tomato (Amphiprion frenatus) ~ $4
Tomato / Red Saddleback (Amphiprion ephippium) ~ $4
Saddleback (Amphiprion polymnus) ~ $5
Yellow Stripe Maroon Clown (Premnas biaculeatus) ~ $6 - $10
Pacific Blue (Paracanthurus hepatus) ~ $15, size dependent
Powder Blue (Acanthurus leucosternon)~ Smaller $15, Small - $30, Big - $35
Yellow (Zebrasoma flavescens) ~ Small $23
Purple (Zebrasoma xanthurum) ~ $50
Brown/Scopas (Zebrasoma scopas) ~ $8 ($5-small)
Sohal (Acanthurus sohal) ~ $60
Chevron (Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis) ~ $120
Clown (Acanthurus lineatus)~ $8
Convict (Acanthurus triostegus) ~ $8
Alantic Blue (Acanthurus coeruleus) ~ $80
Achilles (Acanthurus achilles) ~ $160
Black (Zebrasoma rostratum) ~ $350
Gem (Zebrasoma gemmatum) ~ $2800
Orange Shoulder Tang / Mimic Tang - $6 - $10
Dwarf Angelfish
Bicolor (Centropyge bicolor) ~ $8 - 12
Coral Beauty (Centropyge bispinosus) ~ $8
Potter's (Centropyge potteri)~ $35
Flame (Centropyge loricula) ~ $38 - $50
Argi (Centropyge argi) ~ $50
Golden (Centropyge aurantius) ~ $60 - $80
Lemon Peel (Centropyge flavissima) ~ $35 - $45
Herald (Centropyge heraldi) ~ $8
Rusty (Centropyge ferrugata) ~ $6
Shepard's (Centropyge shepardi)
Joculator / Yellowhead (Centropyge joculator) ~ $380 - $550
Multibarred (Paracentropyge multifasciata) ~ $28 - $35
Multicolor ~ $130
King (Holocanthus passer) ~ $200
Queen (Holacanthus ciliaris) ~ $120 - $400
Blue Face (Pomacanthus [Euxiphipops] xanthometopon) ~ $45 - $60
Gold Face - $240 - $450
Bandit (Holacanthus arculatus))~ $600 - $800
Emperor (Pomacanthus imperator)~ $40 - $60
Regal (Pygoplites diacanthus) - $60
French (Pomacanthus paru)~ $80 - $200
Clarion (Holocanthus clarionensis) ~ $4000 to $5000
Scribbled (Chaetodontoplus duboulayi) ~ $80 - $250
Rock Beauty (Holocanthus tricolor) ~ $40 - $100
Personifer (Chaetodontoplus meridithi) ~ $120 - $200
True Personifer ~ $800
Africanus ~ $180 - $400
Grey ~ $80 - $200
Blue Line ~ $80
Blue Angel ~ $120 - $400
Ear Spot ~ $90 - $250
Flagfin ~ $15 - $28
Orange Peel ~ $38 - $60
White Bar Maculosus ~ $90 to $110
Radiance wrasse $50
Golden wrasse - $170 - 280
Flame wrasse male - $120-$150, Female - $90
8 line wrasse ??
Laboutei - $80 - 180
Splendid Leopard Wrasse $38
Potter Wrasse - $28
6 line wrasse - $8
Solar wrasse $10-$12
Scott wrasse $70-$150
Lineatus wrasse $150 - $250
Common leopard wrasse $7 - $10
Mystery wrasse $120
Yellow Coris wrasse $6
Coris wrasse juv $6, adult $10
Lubbock's fairy wrasse $8
Harlequin Tuskfish $30
Tail Spot Blenny $8 - $17
Midas Blenny $18 - $60
Canary Blenny $28
Forktail Blenny $5
Algae Blenny $3
Barlett's anthias ~ $30 - $40
Lyretail anthias ~ $10 - $12
Sunburst anthias ~ $28
Dispar anthias ~ $8 - $12
Bimaculatus anthias ~ $10-$12
Royal Gramma ~ $20-$40 (depends on size n locality usually Caribbean)
Blackcap Gramma ~ $65
Blue assessor ~ $35 to $45
Yellow assessor ~ $80 - $100
Bicolor ~$5
Orchid ~$40
Strawberry/Diadem - $4 - $6
Blue / Yellow Neon Goby ~ $20 - $40
Half Moon Goby ~ $20
Helfrichi Goby ~ $120 - $140
Purple Firefish ~ $12 - $28
Red Firefish ~ $5 - $12
Butterfly Fish
Golden ~ $80
Threadfin ~ $8 - $15
Raccoon ~ $8 - $15
Long Nose ~ $8 - $15
Copperband ~ $5 - $15
Banner Butterfish (Heniochus Sp) - $8
Clown Trigger - $28 (S) to $50
Niger Triggerfish - $8
Hawaiian Black Trigger - $15
Mandarin ~ $6 - $12, $30 or more for those weaned onto frozen foods
Red Mandarin ~ $20
Moorish Idol (Zanclus cornutus)~ $10 - $20
Lionfish - $15 (s)
Liverock from $4 to $7 per kg
Soft Corals
Leather Coral (Sarcophyton sp., Sinularia sp.) ~ $5 - $120 (Ultra-green morphs)
Yellow Leather (Fiji) ~ $40
Zoanthids: $5-10 for low-end variants, very high for rare color forms.
Xenia (Xenia elongata) ~ $8 -$25.
White Xenia (Fiji) ~ $40
Common Mushrooms ~ $5 - $10 for low-end variants, $30 for rarer forms.
Yumas (Ricordea yuma): $10 for lower grades, $50 - $200 for rarer forms
Rics (Ricordea florida) ~ Green $25 - $30, Blue and Orange $35 - 40, Multicolor $35 - $120
Carnation / Cauliflower (Scleronepthya sp.)
Large-Polyped Stony Corals
Japanese Sun ~ $80 - $280
Black Sun Coral (Tubastraea micrantha) ~
Super Sun ~ $60/colony or S$10/head
Normal Sun ~ $15 - 40
Green Bubble ~ $30
Frogspawn(Euphyllia sp.) ~ $40-$60
Hammer Normal grade ~$15-25
Fox coral Normal grade ~$15-25
Torch Normal grade ~$15-25
Anchor Coral Normal grade ~$15-25
Short tentacle plate ~ $10-$20
Long tentacle plate ~$10-$20
Assorted Invertebrates
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) $6 Small, $12 for Large, $12 for Sri Lankan Cleaner
Coral Banded Shrimp (Stenopus hispidus) ~ $3-12
Blue-Legged Coral Banded Shrimp (Stenopus tenuirostris) ~ $3 - $15
Yellow Coral Banded Shrimp (Stenopus scutellatus) ~ $3 - $15
Blood / Fire Shrimp (Lysmata debelius) ~ $12-35
Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) ~ $15
Unspecified Starfish ~ $3 - $25
Unspecified Seahorse ~
Halloween / Electric-Leg Hermit Crab (Calcinus elegans) ~ $5
Dwarf Zebra Hermit Crab ~ $4
Dwarf Scarlet Hermit Crab ~ $10
Nassarius Snail (Nassaurius vibex) ~ $5
Turbo Snail (Trochus sp. / Astraea sp.) ~ $2
Sand Dollar ~ $10
Coco Worm (Protula bispiralis) ~ $8 - $25
Common Tubeworm (Sabellastarte magnifica) ~ $1 - $5
White/Gold Tubeworms (Sabellastarte sp.) ~ $3 - $5
Emerald Crab ~ $15