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Everything posted by oceania

  1. Had a friend who sent fresh water fish oversea before. Pump oxygen in the bag, packed in a box with cushioning n shipped out.
  2. Have reefing for 3 yrs so far and tank started leaking. Is it a norm for silicon to wear of ard 3 yrs?
  3. Thanks for the advise! I'll give it a try. Would it be better to use glue or clay to do the attaching?
  4. Hi, I'm thinking of growing GSP on the back wall of my tank. Is it more adviseable to let the GSP multiply on a small rock before trying to attach it to the glass or should I attach the frag I bought to the glass directly?
  5. I had a similar problem with my hammer once. Eventually everything dissolved
  6. Sadly my tang RIP this week! It actually survived the serious tail injury, was doing well for more than a mth but this week suddenly became pale in colour, frayed find and pale white near the belly. What could be the possible cause of the sudden deterioration?
  7. Hi, Anyone staying in the east has a spare slab of mysis to spare. Need 1 badly. Ran out of it and its out of stock at Aquamarin. If anyone has a spare slab to sell, please let me know. Thanks, Oceania
  8. Notice the remaining flesh around the exposed bone disappearing today. Is this normal? Shld I use any other medication?
  9. I'm wondering if my tang recover but without a tail, should I release into the main tank or keep it segregated.
  10. Yup, the whole tail is gone. Wht is left is the bone which connects to the tail. I have blue chromis, clown fish, watch man goby, 2 wrasse and this yellow colored damsel. Don't think they are the ones who attacked the tang.
  11. Don't think there are any crabs inmy tank. Haven't seen any crawling ard for a while.
  12. Hi, Need some advise on my currently situation. I've a 2-3 inch mth old blue tang. It escaped from the holding basket and has been swimming and feeding in main tank for ard 2wks. Everything was fine till Thur when I came home to find its entire tail missing. Started feeing it Dr G's anti bacterial rx food yesterday. It is able to swim around though not balanced and has been feeding. Is there anything else I should give my blue tang? Anyone experience this before? Wht is the likely cause and will the tail grow back? Thanks! Oceania
  13. Ok will try above thanks! I had the Octo for 1-2 mths now, and hammer for a wk. Why do they start melting away only now? Or could the new corals that I got a wk ago release so substances that affected the rest?
  14. Hi All, Something seem to be wrong with my tank but I'm not sure wht. Some lps seem to have started melting away since yest while others are fine. Below are some of the parameters I got this afternoon. Temp: Btw 27-28 Salinity: 1.027 Nitrate: 2 Calcium: 410 Manesium: 1500 Alkalinity: 7.2 Apart frm salinity which seem to be higher then the ideal level, I think the rest are considered be within acceptable limits. Melting Octo Melting Hammer Healthy Hammer or does it look unhealthy too? Healthy Goniopora or does it look unhealthy too? Hope someone can shed some light on the possible problems and actions that I shld take. Btw I've changed new AC just now.
  15. I think there are pros n cons of having a big and small tank. Small tanks will definitely require lower water consumption however changes in water parameters for a bigger tank may have less significant impact compared to nano tank. As for salt mix, cheapest may not be the best. Some are more diff to dissolve. Diff brands also have diff composition of trace elements. So it really depends on yr budget n yr requirements.
  16. If the thickness is 6mm tank, it will be dangerous in the long run since the tank may not be able to withstand the density of salt water. A useful device that you can consider getting is probably a refractormeter to measure the salinity of the water and probably a wave maker since there may be dead spots tank depending on yr scaping. When stocking up on fish, do also note the compatibility of some breds! Happy reefing!
  17. Came across Xenia at AM, not sure if it's pulsing though
  18. ha ha sound like marine security surveillance! But finding it is one thing, being able to catch it is another. Juz like those annoying crab which always seem too be one step faster then me!
  19. Checked the rocks without shifting them ard though. Used a touchlight but nothing! Think it prob became someone's dinner
  20. The is actually. It was hitching on this hole-ly basket which I hold fishes in. Saw it hitch on the LR as well then it decided to check out the Vortec MP 10. The other sea horse hitches itself nicely on the LR. The sea horses were hitching on Grape Caulerpa when I got it frm Iwarna. Is it necessary to add those to the display tank too? I do have Grape Caulerpa in my sump but I don't want to put the sea horse in the sump.
  21. Hi Bros, Would like to find out frm sea horse owners if yr tank has a wave maker. Just got a pair of sea horse last wkend and yest I got entangled with my wave maker. Luckily I saw it and oeff the wave maker in time. Not sure if it actually swam into it or was trying to cling on to it. For those who have sea horses as well as wave maker in the tank, is there any precaution to take? For now I dare not on my wave maker if I'm not ard to check on my tank. Appreciate yr advice!
  22. Have checked the overflow pipes as well, nothing there too! Totally clueless why and how the fish vanished over night
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