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Everything posted by rebbot

  1. The brain in the last pic is now reserved for a trade. Thanks for all the PMs!
  2. I am located at Woodlands Crescent near Admiralty MRT. It's a condo so its free parking. BTW the first two brains and anchor hammer has been tentatively taken. I am left with the brain in the last picture which is similar in coloration with the brain in the first pic. Thank you!
  3. Dear all, I am looking to convert into a SPS dominated tank slowly and am looking to trade or sell some of my existing LPS. First up, I have three red open brains and the green anchor hammer with purple tips (first photo) as shown below: I am not sure if it matters but I have been asked the water parameters many times so I just checked and its as follows: KH ~8dKH CA ~380 All specimens have been with me for a while and are healthy. Pictures were taken when all lights were on with an iPhone. I am asking $18 for each of the open brains and $25 for the anchor hammer. Negotiable if you are getting more than one and please bring your own containers. Thank you!
  4. Thanks Ketchup! I am now anxiously and patiently waiting for the tank arrival in my dining room. Lolz Updates this afternoon I hope.
  5. Thanks Siang! I hope that is good. Haha Trying to make sure I do it right from the beginning this round learning from previous mistakes. Unfortunately I am unable to start from scratch as I already have existing livestock which needs to be transferred over from my nano tank.
  6. Thanks for the best wishes, Jacky! Will definitely post the messy setup pictures on Friday live! Lolz
  7. Excellent cable management! This is problem that I consistently face when setting up. After battling with dangling cables for some time, I just seem to give up! Lolz Hope I will be able to do better this round!
  8. Thanks mate! Yup, would be monitoring parameters for the first two weeks strictly before automating the process. The tank is arriving the coming Friday (16 December) which is also my birthday. Lolz BTW I dropped you a PM on something if you have some time to advise.
  9. The newer 6x39W ATI Sunpower will work for me too. Anyone?
  10. Thank you Jacky! Much appreciated!
  11. I am looking for a 3ft ATI Powermodule to test out between MH+T5s and T5s only in the long run. Either the 6x39W or 8x39W fixture will work for me. PM me if you have one available for sales.
  12. Yup, would definitely be happy to share and discuss ideas on reefing methodology over cappuccino or red wine. Yeah, do let me know! Cheers mate!
  13. Below is a dosing regime that I would use to attempt a ULNS: Daily - ZEOstart3 (0.4ml) Carbon source used to promote the reproduction of all nitrifying bacteria. - ZEOvit Coral Vitalizer (2ml after lights out period, Start after 2nd week) Food for SPS and several soft corals - ZEOvit Amino Acid High Concentrate (AAHC)(2ml after lights out, Start after 2nd week) Aids coral growth and vitality which I assume is similar to Prodibio Reef Booster - Reef Nutrition Phyto-Feast Live (2ml, Start after 2nd week) Food for hard and soft corals Weekly - Prodibio Reef Booster (1 vial, Start after 2nd week) Amino acids and vitamins for the corals Bi-Weekly - Prodiblo BioDigest (1 vial) - Prodiblo BioTipm (1 vial) Seeks to renew the beneficial bacteria Ad-Hoc depending on conditions - ZEOvit Stylo-Pocci Glow (4ml Daily) - ZEOvit K-Balance Potassium Concentrate (4ml Daily) - ZEOvit Potassium Iodine Fluoride Concentrate (2ml Twice a week) Last but not least, a water change of 20% will be performed bi-weekly. I have used some of the additives above on and off but any results could be attributed to other factors so I would like to follow a strict regime this round and see what sort of results it can yield. I choose Prodibio because the dosing regime is not that frequent compared to ZEOvit for the cultivation of beneficial bacteria but I still believe in the ZEOvit products.
  14. Hey mate, Thank you for your kind comments! I have been following your thread on the "sea of love" as well. It's always nice when your loved ones support your hobby and even better, join in the hobby. Lolz I enjoyed shopping for equipment and corals and livestock at the farms and usual LFS with my wife over the past few weeks which was fun. I am still going for a mixed reef at this point with a moderate amount of SPS gracing the peaks, some LPS all around and probably a zoa, yuma and rics garden at the bottom. I have seen and read threads where reefers have successfully maintained a mixed reef under the ULNS so I would like to attempt it. You definitely have a point on the MSB and I am also still considering it and will decide when the tank starts up. Alternatively I will just fill it up with liverocks. I am actually using a hybrid of Prodibio and Zeovit to achieve ULNS so I will not be using the Zeovit reactor with Zeolites and the likes. My next post will cover my dosing regime and how I attempt to achieve a ULNS. BTW, wanna go corals and livestock shopping soon? Cheers!
  15. Replenishment of the CA, ALK and MG will be performed via the "Balling" method. I am using an Aquatronia dosing pump for this purpose. I will work out the parameters for a week or two while dosing manually before working out an automated schedule. I intend to use a hybrid of the the Prodibio and Zeovit bacteria and additives to achieve an Ultra Low Nutrient System (ULNS). To kick off the tank, I would be using Prodibio Start Up which consist of 3 vials of STOP AMMO (Additive to trap the nitrogen from ammonia in the water column to prevent spike) and 3 vials of BIODIGEST (Natural nitrifying, denitrifying and selected bacteria to kick start the nitrogen cycle). Please note the tank consists of liverocks from my existing nano tank as well as liverocks that have been curing over long period of time from other reefers which would have already been full of beneficial bacteria. However, due to die-offs in NSW and livesand, STOP AMMO and BIODIGEST is used for my peace of mind. The entire 6 vials from the Start Up package will be used as my water volume would be around 200l after the displacement of rocks. In regards to bio-filtration, the refugium would be made up of more liverocks and a 4' medium sand bed with Aragonite live sand which should help to buffer the PH a little. I am not using macro algae to export nutrients since I am running a ULNS.
  16. - Skimmer P.S. I apologise as I am too lazy to open it and setup it up now for pictures. 1 x Skimz Monzter SM161 Internal (In-Sump) Protein Skimmer I have heard and read good reviews for this skimmer which supports up aquariums up to 1,200l. It should be able to support a heavily stocked aquarium of up to 800l. As such, it is oversized for a tank of my size which is around 200 after the displacement of liverocks etc. The power consumption is also pretty low at 13W which uses the Skimz ES2800 needlewheel pump. - Water Flow 1 x Aquabee 3000 return pump with power consumption of 45W 1 x Tunze Wavebox 6206 with 6091 controller for waves making (Its generating 1" waves in my nano tank now and works great!) 1 x Tunze 6055 with 7095 controller for directional flow in the same direction of the waves (As shown in a couple of posts above) I am still considering if I should get another 6055 to provide directional flow in the opposite direction as well (As shown in a couple of posts above).
  17. Some updates and thoughts on the existing setup plus peektures for this boring thread! - Lighting (Mixture of MH and T5s) 2ft Giesemann Infiniti 1 x 150W MH 14.5K Giesemann MegaChrome Coral 1 x 24W T5 Giesemann PowerChrome Aquapink 1 x 24W T5 Giesemann PowerChrome Pure Actinic 2 x 24W T5 Giesemann PowerChrome Actinic Plus I have achieved good results with MH in planted tanks plus the shimmer effect is something that I would like to keep. However T5s provide better coloration for the corals to my eyes. As such, I have decided a combination of MH + T5s for now. Depending on the results, I am still keen to get an ATI Powermodule set and go full T5 for less heat and better PAR due to an article I have read previously which compared the Giesemann Infiniti and the ATI Powermodule. The photoperiod is as follows: Sunrise (8am to 10am) - 2 x T5 (1 x Aquapink & 1 x Pure Actinic) will turn on. (9am to 10am) - 2 x T5 (2 x Actinic) will turn on. Mid day (10am to 2pm) - 1 x MH (1x Megachrome Coral) will turn on at 10am and turn off at 2pm. Sunset (2pm to 7pm) - 2 x T5 (1 x Aquapink & 1 x Pure Actinic) will turn off at 7pm. (7pm to 8pm) - 2 x T5 (2 x Actinic) will turn off at 8pm.
  18. Noted and thanks boss! However, I already have an existing aquabee pump so may use it first to save some money and will get an eheim when that pump decides to die on me.
  19. Thanks Sherman! After keeping up with the MG dosing regime (increase of 20ppm spread over the entire day) for 8 days since the 28 Nov 2011, my parameters for the last two days are as follows: 4 Dec 2011 =========== Calcium 350-360ppm KH 7.3-7.7dKH MG 960ppm 5 Dec 2011 =========== Calcium 340-350ppm KH 8.3-8.6dKH MG 960-990ppm PH is fluctuating between 8.30 (lowest) to 8.74 (highest). I am really not sure what is taking in MG in the water column and what cause the KH to finally increase above 8.
  20. I made a decision on the wavebox and wavemaker placement today as follows (Do note that the overflow is at the left hand corner and the return pump is a aquabee 3000): Either 1 x Wavebox (Tunze Nano 6206) and 1 x Wavemaker (Tunze 6055) controlled by Tunze 7096 Multicontroller or 1 x Wavebox (Tunze Nano 6206) and 2 x Wavemakers (Tunze 6055) controlled by Tunze 7096 Multicontroller Since its a mixed reef, I am thinking of going with 2 x 6055 as Tunze suggests but am worried that there is too much flow though I am not sure if there is such a thing as "too much flow". At this moment, I may just test it out with 1 x 6055 first and add the second one if necessary. Any thoughts, fellow reefers? Cheers! **Pictures courtesy of Tunze literature**
  21. Thanks Siang! Glad to have my missus supporting and joining in as well. We are going down to choose some of our new corals for the new tank today! Maybe will see some of you folks there. Lolz *ahem* Her defination of exotic corals are refering to those corals with striking colors so a normal yuma will also satisfy her. Hehe Meanwhile some drawings to tide me over till then: Tank ---- Cabinet -------
  22. Thanks mate! I am maintaining the current nano tank and curing more liverocks while waiting for the new tank to arrive. I hope the existing inhabitants are as excited to move in to a bigger house! Haha.
  23. Long story short, I decided to call Victor from Iwarna and told him I needed a bigger tank before our Christmas Eve party. Victor was extremely helpful which means I made quick decisions too. The tank will be similar to the existing elos or ada systems being rimless with clear silicon. The cabinet will also be the exact same size of the tank at 3ft x 1.5ft and clad in smoked grey laminate. There will be an overflow box on the left with three viewable sides (front, left and right). The light set will be hung directly from the ceiling. Victor will be designing the sump with some of my existing equipments and a mixed reef in mind so to minimize any unnecessary spending on equipments. It's been a dream that I can finally have proper tank setup with a sump making maintenance much easier. The tank set will be delivered and setup on 16 December which is my birthday too so its a good day!
  24. First, some boring background on acquiring a bigger tank: I had this unexpected encounter last weekend. How often does your loved one go, "I think your tank is too small and the corals do not have much space to grow. Should we get a bigger tank?" I met that question with a resounding "Yes!" When I first moved into our new apartment after getting married, I re-setup my planted tank but was too busy to take care of it as I was traveling heavily due to work. As such the plants were growing too fast since the entire system was automatically controlled including dosing. I decided that it was finally time to tear down the tank. Nevertheless, my thoughts was to set it up again and I decided to go the marine route this time. I got the team from Iwarna to help setup re-using my equipment from the planted tank thus only spending money on sand, liverocks and NSW initially. The tank has grown out and is stable but some parameters are still swaying due to the small volume of water. Something that I encounter in my planted days as well and control accordingly as I work in a home-office apartment. For some reason, my wife has taken an interest to marine life and helps her happy and relaxed when she gets back from work in the evening. She wants to choose her own exotic corals now for the new tank.
  25. While I am at it, another FTS for today. I know its a crappy picture but until I get my camera, it will have to be my iphone and I apologise.
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