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Everything posted by zonerx

  1. is such a waste to throw away leh...
  2. another cheap way is add 2" to 1" or 1.5" reducer to end of your outlet pipe
  3. another way is block the water flow at end of the pipe and wait for overflow box to filled up then let go, the high volumn of water will push out all the air in the pipe
  4. can replace the L with flexible hose too
  5. I got few weeks old live sand around 10kg + in bucket taken out from my sump last night, want to trade with any corals, cauleurpa, turbo snall or bottle of soft drink, or whatever you want to offer. Interested let me know asap and hope can collect by tomorrow at Yishun. thanks please sms or whatsapp me @ 98585079 for fast deal.
  6. I wish is that easy, my lion is one super stubborn fish haha
  7. ehem canister is best, i'm using for almost 5 yrs still going strong.
  8. get a good one if go for canister, better with self priming one and quick attach valve for hose.
  9. canister is good but troublesom to remove the hose everytime want to clean it
  10. hangon easier to maintain but dirt tend flow in your tank when remove the filter to clean...
  11. eyeing my cleaner shrimp too and lucky his mouth not big enough otherwise...
  12. thanks I'll try it. I starved mine till it go after my doctor fish, lucky the lion not fast enough haha...
  13. where is ah beng located?
  14. any other shop sell wp40 beside iwarna?
  15. actually some highend LED lights already using RGB LEDs, on all 3 you still get white with all color spectrum.
  16. the woods look smooth from your photo..
  17. did the shop trim the woods smooth and accurate as per your measurements?
  18. zonerx

    DIY LED light

    doesn't matter the led can take up to 12v and with overheads what feed to the led always less than 1a.
  19. use of baking soda is safer than bleach, for me I spray with water only coz it doesn't make any difference if I use baking soda to clean or just water, it still over after 3 or 4 days later after washing.
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