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Everything posted by mushman

  1. What shrimp is that from ah beng and what price is it at? Sent from my LG-H961N using Tapatalk
  2. Heres how the tank looks like last night after the shifting, water was a little cloudy. And here's the culprit looking smug after he settled down abit. So, I've decided to change my lights to a maxspect 60w, with the view of going sps in future. Temperature of my tank reaches 27 in the day, and hovers around 26 at night. The rockwork now is done so i have a ledge for the future sps. When and if the SPS grows, the while scape would be moved forward, leaving less foreground. Sent from my LG-H961N using Tapatalk
  3. So, last night my brain decided to poo... It was quite epic and there was a lot of floating poo in my tank. Can't stand having the poop floating around, hence I'm going to upgrade to a 16gal tank tonight! Will be keeping the brain away from the light in the new scape! Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
  4. Thanks for the inputs. I'm actually using a led light set made more marine tanks that I got overseas, don't recall the brand anymore. It actually comes stock with the violet and blue lights, as well as cob 6500k daylight, which I am not thrilled on using as I believe it would be too harsh on the open brain as the sand bed is only 20cm away from the light source. So far, the open brain and zoas look to be doing fine, and I noticed the feeding tentacles extended after lights off, which I believe is a good thing? Should the lighting be insufficient, I have no issues with upgrading them. Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
  5. Here's the current scape of the tank. A quick question, is blue and violet led lights sufficient for coral growth? Been reading up alot about the necessary lighting for corals, and it is generally observed that the 430-450nm spectrum is utilised by corals for photosynthetic reasons. That being said, would just the use of blue and violet lights be sufficient for coral growth? I understand that it was also found that the white light often use helps to show the natural colors of the coral better, as a wide spectrum of the light is being reflected. That said, if I was fine aesthetically with just using blue and violet lights, is this a possible way forward? In other news, I am looking to attempt to keep some sps in the tank as well, will the blue and violet lights be sufficient? (.p.s. Will be looking to do 3 times weekly water change for this 5gal tank, hopefully the Sps can thrive in it. Fish wise am probably going to keep it below 3 small tiny fish) Comments please, especially on the lighting question Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
  6. Decommissioned my last tank years ago when Ns became too hectic for me to maintain my tanks. Since then, I've only kept my freshwater tanks. So recently, was showing my gf some pictures of reef tanks and reef fishes, and seeing how excited she was and how much she liked them, I've decided to start a pico tank for her to get her into the hobby as well. Tank: 40cm x 25cm x 20cm shallow tank Light: 36w Led with actinic blue, purple and 6500k white bulbs. filteration: 2x internal filter Just set up the tank today and am currently cycling it with NSw. Added a couple of zoa colonies on live rock for seeding during cycling. Will not be adding fish till cycling is complete. I intend to keep this low tech with weekly water changes. Expected livestock would be just a pair of clowns and a zoa garden, unless my gf wants anything else, then I might have to add equipment or upgrade. Here's a picture of one of the zoa colonies one hour into the setup. Comments please. Am very rusty with reefing so would appreciate some advice. Cheers! Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
  7. According to TS, anemone is next, or have i mistaken?
  8. interested in the small rose bubble anemone.. text me at 91084336
  9. WTB a UV light. The higher the wattage the better... SMS me at 91084336
  10. WTG a few items to clear space for new toy!!! 28x18x16 tank with inbuild overflow + 2x1.5x1.5 ft sump 2x1x1ft glass tank + 1ft cube Collection will be tmr... Sms at 91084336 to reserve and confirm asap... collection at bedok/tanah merah area
  11. Anyone has a HOB skimmer for sale or a small bm?? Any offers do let me know:D
  12. lol... would love too, but its not mine... i just did some photoshop on the original photo i took for easy visualization. Haha... my tank is still more or less the same as the 1st picture
  13. i also prewashed under running water before adding it in... i only added in 125cm3... observed the exothermic reaction, but my water is still cloudy... will observe another day i guess...
  14. thanks bro jizzhut for the link, if u noticed, my current scape is using the same principal, just that the rocks on the left are positioned more forward, resulting in the 1:1.6 ratio not looking so obvious , I did this so that when corals are placed behind it, there is an added sense of depth. to me, scaping in tank sizes like mine is all about creating optical illusions and convincing my brain that my tank is actually larger than it is.
  15. hmmm... any reccomendations where to get the loctite or the BSI?
  16. Hi, just a simple question... Does seachem phosguard make your water cloudy? Added seachem phosguard last night and water has been cloudy ever since. Hasn't cleared up in 24hrs sadly... Hope to get some replies soon... If it shouldn't, will be doing wc tmr:D
  17. thanks bro.. was thinking of making my tank something like the my attached pict. any comments? My shoulder should be healing up fine... if not, its gonna be a real hassle. Attached is the picture of my proposed tank additions... any comments?
  18. lol... add scape i shud say... let me photo shop some stuff in
  19. I see... after looking at bro lcf425's tank today, i've decided to go sps-less... haha... Really impressed with his elegance... Will go towards that direction:D Thanks for the heads up! Am actually toying with the idea of doing a slight rescape, think my rocks too little, no space for more interesting stuffs... maybe will add a wall on the left behind the cliff... Will see how:D
  20. hi bro marcovan, i'm running 96w of t5. Is that still too low? The pict was only with 1 light on to catch the mood...
  21. thanks for the comments guys! to aloysiousmun Firstly, i did not use fisheye lens to distort the front. It was just the way i scaped it to make it look longer and deeper, and at the same time more unique than usual sandbeds:D hope u liked it... With regards to the PO4, i'm currently running some seachem phosguard to try to keep things down. Just went in earlier today... Will check up on it again after some time. My intention was to keep this tank running on lps and softies first... Until i gain more knowledge on my tank, I will not be adding SPS, except for just the 2 i have for safekeeping. Will definitely keep your comments in mind:D Bro Jizzhut and ducados Glad you guys liked my scape. In the photo, my wavemaker is actually already on, together with my return. Just that i did some digital rendering and ommitted the equipments. So far, havent had any problems with sand storms, maybe its due to the way i scaped to allow smooth waterflow, or my flow isnt good enuff :X Bro copperband My temperature fluctuations are quite low, so i dun really have the intention to get a chiller till i go for sps. As soon as i do, will definitely seek 1 for use:D Thanks for the comments and keep em coming!
  22. Tore down my old tank, after picking up a free tank from Bro Jeff. Thanks a Million! After settling the piping and all, proceeded to fill my tank up with 10kg of grade0 coral sand and packs and packs of NSW from Iwarna. (Although they provided transportation, I still went there with my bro to pick up. Part of the fun I thought, but lugging back about 15 packs with a recently dislocated right shoulder is no fun.) Bro Jeff kindly left some coralline algae on the tank glass for me as per my request, but as I dislocated my shoulder soon after collecting the tank, I could not proceed with my setup, hence had to clear the algae. So sorry bro. And thanks to bro comycus for advice given in my first thread, have taken his valuable input into consideration before i setup. Tank Specs Display is 27x18x16 inches Clear silicon, 10mm glass Brown Stand (Courtesy of Bro Jeff) Black Oyama paper at the back Euro bracing on top Overflow box on the right side. The Sump 2x1.5x1.5ft sump with 3 compartment 1st compartment 30 sticks of Bacteria house 2kg of biohome Filter wool 2nd compartment Hang-on PL-light Chaeto (thanks Bro nuj244) Red Bamboo Some bleached mushies 3rd compartment Skimmer (Changed from an existing air-driven to a weipro 2014 found in my storeroom, until a bm110 came up, will be changing it in tmr) Aquazonic Return Pump Activated Carbon Equipment No chiller, Chilled by my room Air-con. Temp is constant at around 23-25'c For lightings, 6x16w t5 lights. 4x sunglo 2x actinic blue A denitrator is the next item on my list Livestock Livestock wise, i wanted a mixture of lps and softies, with an option of sps in the future. As seen in the pict, tank is mostly softies and zoas now, with 2 mini colonies of sps(taking care for my bro after mini crash due to failed cooling). The birdnest is in really bad condition, with most of the bones exposed. both seems to be slightly more stable now. Fish wise, I have a soft spot for wrasses. Currently, i have 6 budgeted wrasses inside, most expensive being my filament flasher. But they are always hiding, until bits of my come about. 1x mimic tang, 1x maroon clown, and my best friend the algae blenny. With 9 fishes inside, my tank still looks empty... Should i add more fishes? if so, what do you recommend? Managed to clear my batfish before they went out of hand. Still in the process of stocking up. Can only do so on weekends as I've just enlisted into the army. Need some advice on what other corals i can add in to break the monotony of the shapes on the right, and what to put on the left, ran out of ideas:( Attached is my fts and the only wrasse i managed to catch decently. Comments and critiques are welcomed! Thanks! mushman---->I mush find time to reef man!
  23. Sorry... forgot to resize picts... try opening this instead:D
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