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Everything posted by marble

  1. pic of my mini mushy garden n my green bubble(Gog to stop feeding it mkt prawn as it has grown bigger........
  2. WTB purple tang ard 3"size.prefer to deal in e west sms me at 82008532 if u got one to let go..tks
  3. every unsightful rite??keke.. tat time my pbt not eating so i buy it for it to tempt it to makan lor.... who noes he refuse to eat oso n later die of ich ..since im gog to buy some more tangs later so dun wan to waste it by throwing it away lor...wait for my new tangs to come n feast it off....
  4. a close up of my 2 prata...its getting bigger...e color of e red one seems to b improving......
  5. have not been posting for a long time..... heres a pic b4 i do a rescape......... have been neglectin them for awhile as busy with work... CNY coming so got to do some spring cleaning for them...keke
  6. wow sei bro..u got alot of high tech stuff for a small tank....keke.... With these equipmt,u can go for more sps stuff soon aft ur tank is more mature
  7. 2. Dotty back pairing and laid egg before, 1 is magenta and 1 is yellow with blue top( I dont noe why it can be pairing, dont ask me why) been with me for 3years very old for dotty back - $ 15 isit still availble bro?? am interested... can sms me at 82008532 tks
  8. gana areoplane 2 times by e same person...... shldnt have believe him for e 2nd time... zoo is availble for collection...sms me at 82008532 if u interested....tks
  9. Reserved by Cool Guy for Collection. Tks.
  10. pic attach below.... 3 pieces of zoo for $20 Pic jzt taken yest night.... collection at cck crescent... interested can sms me at 82008532 tks
  11. Bro,how abt tis green zoo on e left for trade if u r interested??? PIc jzt taken as of now.... sms me at 82008532 if u r interested..
  12. My blasto garden...i jzt cant stop buying red blasto...keke...got 3 rock of same type of color(REd with green mouth)..But e red is diff in intensity so jzt buy..keke Anyone want to exchange with me other colors type of blasto???Jzt pm me....
  13. FTS as of today...jzt change water n add in afew more coral..... seems abit full house liao.....yeh..... time to upgrade.......jzt joking...keke
  14. dun noe leh...seems like those coral tat i put on e sandbed ones they all go n use it as a host leh...still tot tat they will use my red goni as a host but they didnt... pm u w rgd to e price of e prata liao.....
  15. dun dare leh...later they rub untill it melt then tats it man..keke
  16. jzt a simple tank lah bro...ur 2ft tank tat time with all sps more chioh leh.... still got afew place to add in afew more corals.....thinking of getting another prata or cyna to cover e sandbed so tat my warsse wont stir e sandbed...but scare my clown fish will use it as a host again n stress it.... now looking ard for red mushrm,lumi green brain n bicolor brain,cup coral.....or mayb more blasto.....i still miss e blasto tat i got fm u tat time...remember e rock of blasto with 2 diff breed on it one????red in color one???
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